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3 pages/≈825 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Annotated Bibliography
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 12.96

Health Care Administration: Culture, Skills, Functions, & Divisions

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

The health care field is diverse with various types of health care services and organizations. Health care professionals are needed to manage the diversity of health care organizations.

For this assignment, you are to access the Trident Online Library and locate one peer-reviewed article per management style below.

  • Scientific Management
  • Administrative Principles
  • Bureaucratic Organizations
  • Adaptive Organizations

Note: When accessing the library, you should search each management style separately. Start by entering the management style into the search area.

Now you should locate an article to your liking (publication within the last 8 years) and create an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography consists of a properly formatted resource followed by 5-7 sentences summarizing the article. You should have four (4) different peer-reviewed sources in total.

See the following video for more information on how to write an annotated bibliography:

Ramussen College Library & Learning Services. (2018, May 3). How to write an annotated bibliography [Video File]. Retrieved from

SLP Assignment Expectations

  1. Support your SLP with peer-reviewed articles, with 4 references.
  2. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals:
    Angelo State University Library. (n.d.) Library guide: How to recognize peer reviewed (refereed journals). Retrieved from
  3. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment:
    Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from
  4. For additional information on reliability of sources review the following source:
    NIH. (n.d.) Finding and evaluating online resources. Retrieved from
  5. Review Library Tutorial 1 to review how to locate peer-reviewed articles in the Trident Online Library.
Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:

Health Care Administration: Culture, Skills, Functions, & Divisions SLP 1
Student’s name
BHA201 Foundations of Health Administration
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Health Care Administration: Culture, Skills, Functions, & Divisions
Uddin, N., & Hossain, F. (2015). Evolution of Modern Management through Taylorism: An Adjustment of Scientific Management Comprising Behavioral Science. Procedia Computer Science, 62, 578–584.
Taylor proposed scientific management by adopting scientific management approaches, which helped maximize profits. For instance, by emphasizing selecting, training, teaching, and developing workers while promoting cooperation where there are clear roles and responsibilities associated with improved outcomes. The researchers highlighted that scientific management is still relevant even after technological advancement and globalization. The classical scientific management approach emphasizes efficiency and productivity where rules and regulations. However, strengthening employee skills helps optimize productivity, and now there is recognition that modern management should also focus on open communication, rewards, and top management support. Scientific management is one of the earliest organizational theories but is still relevant in modern management.
Adam, A. K., & Suleiman, E. S. (2018). A contextual framework of Henry Fayol’s 14 principles of management for public sector efficiency and Effectiveness of policy responsibilities by a government. Journal of Advanced Research in Business and Management Studies, 11(1), 46-61.
The article analyzes the application of Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management in managing the public sector. Fayol proposed the fourteen administrative principles that guide managers to achieve goals and objectives. The proposed principles of management are relevant when managing different organizations, including in contemporary management. Integrating the principles should focus on best management practices to promote good governance with good ethical behavior. The article is relevant in organization theory as there is a focus on how leaders in the public...
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