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Business & Marketing
Article Critique
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Mettler Toledo Business Critique Paper

Article Critique Instructions:

Use the issues you glean regarding the case analysis and reply to the post with a critique.
Write a 300-400 word critique of the analysis in Word (or equivalent). Apply the usual APA formatting for titles, headings, and any references you may use.
Ask questions and make observations about the case methodology, type of data and sources used, and manner in which he or she approached the analysis.
Include questions, observations, and suggestions about how what they did in the case study might apply to the analysis of their chosen company for the final project.

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Mettler Toledo Business Critique Paper
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Date of Submission
Mettler Toledo is a world-renowned business that produces and offers a wide range of services on balance scales and weighing analytical equipment. CITATION Metnd \l 1033 (Mettler Toledo International Inc., 2020). This paper aims to critique the previous case study on the supply chain of Mettler Toledo.
Supply Chain Components
The general components of the supply chain have been evaluated in the previous case study. The following are the sections that need improvement:
* Raw Materials Suppliers: The case study mentioned the type of materials necessary to execute the production. However, more research needs to be conducted to specify which raw materials came from which company. Are these imported from a foreign country or locally made?
* Mettler Toledo International Inc. (2020) did not specify the specific materials that are necessary to outsource. From which company do they make these transactions?
* The specific international market organizations must be enumerated and evaluated to recognize the strength and weaknesses of the company concerning international trading.
Manufacturing Process
The general manu...
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