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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
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Ten Key Principles to Successful Heath care Integration

Article Critique Instructions:
the lecturer said we should summarize the article i attached to this order. Article: Ten Key Principles for Successful Health System Intergation
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Ten Key Principles to Successful Heath care Integration
The paper is based on systematic literature review. It gives the key principles to successful health care integration premising on the point of integration of service delivery as a necessary solution to challenges in the health system. The principles are a toolkit for evidence informed decision-making, planning and implementation of integrated healthcare systems models as well as their management.
One principle involved is providing clinical and health related services, creating awareness and promotion of health services for the severed population. An integrated system is patient focused; meeting their needs through related assessments that justify the need for integration. Moreover, a clear geographical coverage of choice and flexible to clients aims at maximizing access and reduces duplication of services.
Interprofessional teams, in a standardized care delivery structure, promote continuity in the care process through collaboration and communication networks. On the other hand, performance management is a critical aspect achieved to assess effectiveness, quality, and compare desired care outcomes across all levels.
Computerized information systems are needed to support smooth communication across the integrated network of stakeholders. It enables recording and reporting activities thus ensuring efficiency and information flow. Furthermore, the drive of an integrated system is a visionary leadership backed by a merging organizational culture thus enabling the physician to play their role of designing and operationalization at all level of service delivery.
Introduction of governance structure fosters coordination and participation of all stakeholders (staff, organizations, government and community) in the health system. Lastly, practice of financial management is a principle enhanced through cost controls and reduction both in clinical and administration areas enhanced by economies of scale in the health systems.
The case study of Markham Stouffville Hospital in the utilization of Integrated Health Systems a Mod...
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