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Geological hazard

Article Instructions:
Find a geologic hazard that has occurred since July 1st 2013. To do this use an online site such as, www(dot)wired(dot)com/wiredscience/eruptions,, or an aggregator like Then search for a geologic hazard such as landslide, earthquake, volcano, etc. write a paragraph that describes the hazard, what happened, and where. At the end provide a link to the article you used.
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Geological hazard
Volcano erupted early Sunday 15th September 2013 in Mount Sinabung, Indonesian. Mount Sinabung is among the tallest mountains in Indonesia; it is 8,530 feet (2,600 meters) tall and is situated in North Sumatra province. According to National Disaster Mitigation Agency spokesman Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, eruption sends small pebbles and volcanic ashes into the air bellowing dark cloud over the nearby villages. Mount Sinabungwas reported to have erupted last in September 2010 displacing approximately 12,000 villagers. This is the mountain that had little history of eruption since it has been dormant for over 100 year. This is the latest volcanic eruption after two others was reportedly to occur last month in central IndonesiaCITATION IMa13 \l 1033 (Santana).
Latest reports from Darwin VAAC, indicated that, the eruption has sends ashesto 6 kilometers away, thus affecting over 6,200 people in 11 villages. Several people have been hospitalized in Kabanjahe hospital after inhalation of ashes from these eruptions. In the areas where people live closer to the volcano, eruptions are expected to pose serious hazards in these areas. However, humanitarian aid has been request to assist the most affected ones. M. Hendrasto is quoted by Jakarta post saying there are possibilities that more eruptions could follow since the first eruption was "throat clearing" and that more lava could flow because crater and lava pipes has been open. CITATION Kle13 \l 1033 (Klemetti).
Indonesia is known to be located in a "ring of fire", this is the area p...
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