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Book Report
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Novel title : The Hate U (you) give by Angie Thomas

Book Report Instructions:

Novel title : The Hate U (you) give by Angie Thomas
Please follow all introductions (1~5) that I sent as a file
You don’t need to do 4 and 6
No reference from internet
Just you Know it says only have a 90 second to report
If you can you will include do you like this book and why? Or do you recommend this book and why ?
2- create thesis statement include three questions
I need you to write not record at this time
book website: https://themoonwholistens(dot)wordpress(dot)com

Book Report Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
The Hate U Give
The Hate U Give is a 2017 novel by Angie Thomas. This debut novel of Angie expanded from a short story she had written in college to get her voice heard about the police shooting of Oscar Grant. Starr Carter (16-year-old black girl) belongs to a poor family. She attends an elite private school where children of white people study.
Theme Statement
The central theme of this novel is Race.
Why did the author write this piece?
The author wrote this piece to highlight how discrimination is ruining the lives of many people in the United States.
Its example is when Starr Carter becomes a news story. She actually sees a white police officer shooting and killing her friend, Khalil. This incident obviously gives Starr a lot of pain, and she decides to ...
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