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2 pages/≈550 words
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Literature & Language
Book Review
English (U.S.)
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The Theme of Coming of Age. Literature & Language Book Review

Book Review Instructions:

pick one of three book "fences" by August Wilson, "always running" by Luis J. Rodriguez and "anna in the tropics" by Nilo Cruz and choice one theme from " coming of age", " loss of innocence" and "the desire to belong" , supports the evidence from the text

Book Review Sample Content Preview:
The Theme of Coming of Age
(The Novel Always Running)
Similar to many memoirs based on personal knowledge of a historical account, Always Running novel by Luis Rodriguez is a story built on Coming of Age. The immature young person around which the story builds in known as Luis. He is also the protagonist as well as the narrator in this episode. He shows unique character when he manages to successfully develop self-reliance and courage in the neighbourhoods of Los Angeles where other young people endured suffering to survive.
Always Running exhibits various characteristics of coming of age stories as it features mentors who guide young Luis to become the person who he grows out to be in adulthood. Many mentors, though not his parents provided Luis with the tips and lessons that he needed to succeed. Moreover, the mentors not only gave the protagonist lessons to succeed, but they also gave him emotional support, just as a parent should do.
In the first instances, Luis did not have a mentor because his parents did not provide this. His father Alfonso is an honest and dedicated person with hands off. “I recall my father with his wavy hair and clean-shaven face, his correct, upright and stubborn demeanour," (Rodriguez 14). The quote is an evaluation of a man who never had a good time for a son who had chosen a wrong path. As a result, he has no experience and time to help his son navigate through complexities that came with the neighbourhoods of La Vida Loca. Besides, Luis' mother Maria is honest too, but only good at punishing a child for wrongdoing and not an inspirational guide to the right. He says, “The family consisted of my father Alfonso, my mom Maria…,” (Rodriguez 14). As a result, their son landed in the hands of other people who provided this mentorship.
Due to lacking mentorship ...
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