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Case analysis "Apple Inc. in 2012" Business Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Case Study Analysis
The article "Apple Inc. in 2012" in the attachment, please read it.
Use Framework: SWOT analysis this case and
answer all the questions(5) below:
1. What, historically, have been Apple’s competitive advantages?
2. Analyze the personal computer industry. Why did Apple struggle historically in PCs?
3. How sustainable is Apple’s competitive position in PCs, MP3 players, and smartphones?
4. What are Apple’s long-term prospects for the iPad?
5. What advice would you offer the CEO?
NEED TO SUMBIT ON THE Turnitin. Will check similarity.
Make sure you did your own work, use your own language to answer all the questions.
Case Study Analysis: Tips and Tools
Tip 1. Contextualize the case. There is a method to my madness. Cases generally correspond to a particular set of concepts and theories. Keep this in mind as you prepare your analysis.
Tip 2. Read the case actively. The goal is not for you to grab your highlighter and speed through the case. Instead, ask yourself questions, wrestle with the core decisions, and think through multiple scenarios.
Tip 3+. William Ellet argues that there are “four types of situations” that you will often see in cases, for each here are some tips:
- Problems
o Define the problem in the case. This may not be obvious.
o Then, be able to diagnosis the problem using the various tools you’ve acquired throughout your business training.
- Decisions
o Identify the decision options.
o Determine the criteria by which to evaluate the decision options.
o Accumulate as much evidence as possible to support your decision.
- Evaluations
o Again, determine the appropriate evaluative criteria.
o Make the evaluation that is most consistent with the evidence provided by the case and the key criteria.
o Be sure to be holistic in your evaluations – think about positive and negative aspects.
- Rules (This is particularly critical for quantitative analyses)
o Know the information you need to apply a rule (For example, what data is necessary for a break-even or NPV analysis)
o Know how to obtain this information.
o Know how to apply the rule.
o Make sure your data is accurate.
Ellet provides a nice model for analyzing cases. There are five key phases of the process.
1. Situation
a. Figure out the big picture first; ask yourself, “What is the situation in the case? What is going on here?
2. Questions
a. Develop questions about the problem, namely:
i. What do you need to know about the situation?
b. Think through issues related to the decision, namely:
i. What are the decision options? Any seem particularly strong or weak? What is at stake here? What are the key criteria to base your decision?
c. Questions about the evaluation, in particular:
i. Who or what is being evaluated? Who is responsible for the evaluation?
3. Hypothesis
a. Here is where your analytical work gains momentum. Develop your perspective on the case.
b. Review the aforementioned questions – now begin to develop your answers for each set of questions.
4. Proof and Action
a. Ask yourself, what evidence is provided by the case that supports my hypothesis? What additional evidence do I need to collect?
b. Equally important for our course, also consider how would I implement my recommendations?
5. Alternatives
a. Spend some time critiquing yourself, ask the following:
i. How else could this problem be defined? If defined differently, would I have the same hypothesis?
ii. Where are the weak links in my analysis?
iii. What is the potential downside to my recommended decision? What is the strongest counter evidence?
iv. How thorough have I been in my analysis? How might a different course of action be proved?

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Case analysis "Apple Inc. in 2012"
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Case analysis "Apple Inc. in 2012"
1. What, historically, have been Apple’s competitive advantages?
Since starting in 1976, Apple has been pursuing a differentiation strategy. It was only once that the company offered a computer with the aim of targeting the mass market. However, it soon reverted to its usual differentiation strategy. The differentiation approach was initially supported by a strong promotion campaign, with the aim of differentiating the Macintosh since it was facing stiff competition within the PC industry. Notably, Apple is one of the most innovative PC manufacturers in the industry, and R&D has enabled the company to launch various PC innovations in the market. Despite the fact that there were some weaknesses in the products, Apple has the innovative role which gives it a lot of attention.
It is also notable that Apple used to design its products from scratch, using unique disk drives, chips, and monitors. This has improved the company’s brand image in regard to Apple PCs and customers have fallen in love with the Macs the company manufactures. Such loyal buyers have also enabled the company to charge premium prices on its products.
2. Analyze the personal computer industry. Why did Apple struggle historically in PCs?
One of the main reasons as to why Apple historically struggled in PCs was become technology in the industry became more affordable and cheaper over time. The growth of the company was thus driven by low prices but revenue growth failed to match the volume growth. As a result, its R&D decreased. As a result, most of the PC suppliers resorted to using cost differentiation as the main strategy to help them in selling in volume. The consumers also got concerned about prices, while home consumers also valued mobility, design, and wireless connectivity. On the other hand, business consumers ...
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