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Business & Marketing
Case Study
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Google Case Study. Business & Marketing Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

According to the course syllabus, you must submit a 400-word paper on AI, IT, CRM and related. The challenge is to combine at least three topics in the paper, meaning -for example- block chain, data mining and AI or the three mentioned above, AI, IT and CRM, any combination, by either using ONE case study (citing your source) or THREE cited academic references (articles). This gives you two options, the practical and the theoretical. Use your recent posts on IT to get some orientation or to follow through on a given topic. Please go to "Assignments" and use TurnItIn to submit on time.
The structure of the paper should be the following:
The Case or the Theory (the essence of your topic)
Discussion (critiques or pros and cons)
Conclusions and recommendations
For an example of a case study, see
You have two choices plus an alternative:
Case study: choose one company that is integrating at least three IT methods and write about it following the outline.
Theory: choose three articles that cover IT tools and review them in an integrated manner (not separately), following the outline.
Crisis collapse: write how the Covid 19 pandemia has affected companies in trying to apply IT tools.
I will venture some examples to guide your search:
Case study: check out these sources, you'd have to dig deeper
https://dr(dot)ntu(dot)edu(dot)sg/handle/10356/78714 (search at Pace Library)
Effects of the crisis on Tech-heavy businesses:
Thank you for your hard work, If you have any questions please feel free to asks me.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Google Case Study
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April 28, 2020
Understanding the use of different technological components in the operations of an organization is crucial for understanding how the same can be applied in other situations. It allows the person to be able to make informed decisions as to the benefits of strategically combining different processes into a single integrated system. In this paper, the author would like to discuss the case of Google, which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), and Information Technology (IT) in its processes. This includes the risks and benefits of such systems as well as how other companies could model their operations similar to that of Google. All in all, the author believes that by looking at the success of Google in using a combination of these approaches, a deeper understanding of how this can be applied to different situations is possible.
The Case
Google is one of the most advanced companies that integrates AI, CRM, and IT in its operations. Specifically, the company has an Artificially Intelligent ‘customer representative,’ also known as “Adam Chappy,” which provides an integrated approach to its customer center together with its human salesforce CITATION McG19 \l 1033 (McGee-Smith, 2019). Accordingly, what differentiates Google’s AI agent from regular contact centers are (1) live agent assistance, and (2) automatic topic determination.
On the one hand, the IT representatives of Google provides online solutions to clients that are having trouble using its systems with real-time interactions. Thus, this increases customer satisfaction by personalizing ‘conflict resolution.’ On the other hand, Google’s a...
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