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6 pages/β‰ˆ1650 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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A Rising Consensus that Safety and Quality Failures in Healthcare

Case Study Instructions:

You are now into the second part of your capstone project. Merge your instructor feedback from the Module 1 Case Assignment and begin working on your second section. Remember, this is a developing project. Therefore, when you submit the Module 2 Case Assignment, it should include an updated section—per your instructor’s feedback—of the Module 1 Case Assignment.
Case Assignment
1. Health Care Delivery and Models
a. Categorize the organization as an MCO or ACO.
i. Provide a rationale for the categorization.
b. Provide a comprehensive explanation of services that will be offered by the organization/facility. Note: Services offered should meet the needs of the population identified and the dynamics of the organization/facility.
i. Inpatient, outpatient, and/or ancillary services.
ii. Include E-Health Services.
c. Prepare a map detailing the delivery of care (services) in the organization/facility. (See Burton, 2017, for a sample map.)
i. Interpret and provide an explanation of the map you prepare.
2. Information Systems
a. Describe the systems used in the organization/facility that will manage health care data.
i. How will information be collected, stored, and managed?
ii. Identify standards, policies, and security measures used. Include a plan of how this information will be disseminated throughout the organization to ensure all employees are knowledgeable of all guidelines.
iii. Explain how the organization/facility will promote interoperability.
3. Operations Management
a. Construct and explain two simple organizational process maps that outline two quality processes that are important in health care operations management and assist with problem solving and decision making in your organization
b. Develop two process maps to reflect inputs, outputs, and process steps in your organization. Be sure to utilize the correct symbols when developing your process map. Exhibit 6.6 identifies each symbol and reflects its use (pp. 140-150 of McLaughlin & Olson, 2017). Some example processes are activities in a clinic or hospital to measure wait time, utilization of resources, cause and effect, or development of an emergency plan. Visual examples are under exhibits 6.4, 6.5, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11. Please be creative and do not copy an example from the reading, but align your maps with your facility functions.
c. Using the Operational Excellence Scale provided by McLaughlin & Olson (2017, pp. 405-406), rationalize in detail the operational tools your organization/facility will use to be a “level 4” organization.
4. Quality Assurance & Accreditation
a. Rationalize specifically how the 6 domains of Health Care Quality (by the AHRQ) are fully addressed within the organization/facility.
b. Create a detailed risk management and patient safety plan for the organization/facility. Each component should be broad and descriptive. The safety plan should be inclusive, but not limited to, the following components:
i. Purpose
ii. Role of the Risk Manager
iii. Goal
a. Include ongoing systematic approaches to achieve goals
iv. Scope
v. Leadership Roles and Responsibilities at each level of the organization
vi. Oversight
vii. Safety Culture
viii. Reporting and identification of Harm
a. Duty to Report
b. Internal/External reporting
c. Identify and explain two leading methods of continuous quality improvement (Plan-Do-Study-Act, Rapid Cycle Improvement, FOCUS-PCDA, Lean, Six Sigma, and/or the FADE Model) that will be used in the organization/facility.
i. Rationalize how the methods will be used to ensure that quality and safety are kept at/above the safety rating of major hospitals in the area of the organization/facility.
ii. You may use the following source to find the Leapfrog Hospital Safety grade for hospitals in your area: https://www(dot)hospitalsafetygrade(dot)org/
d. Assume the new organization/faciality is seeking Joint Commission (https://www(dot)jointcommission(dot)org/en/) accreditation. Identify and explain the major competencies this will require from management and staff.
e. Conclusions and Recommendations
i. Bring this section to a close and provide 2 or 3 recommendations for your organization based on the information researched and identified.
**Note**: Do not submit the subsequent section (Module 3) until you have received feedback from your instructor on this section (Module 2).

Assignment Expectations
1. Cite the author's work, and break down each section to ensure it's clear and concise. Note! the PowerPoint slides for the next assignment TODAY will be based on this CASE 4 catagories as the last assignment (00151449 & 00151452).
1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
2. Case papers should be at least 5 pages, not including the title and reference pages. (At this point, you should have at least 10 pages; at least 5 pages for Module 1 and 5 pages for Module 2.)

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
A Rising Consensus that Safety and Quality Failures in Healthcare
Background Information
There is a rising consensus that safety and quality failures in healthcare organizations are increasingly attributed to processes and systems rather than human errors. In order to address this issue, healthcare administrators should apply process-oriented and quality improvement management interventions (Antonacci et al., 2021). This paper evaluates the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) health care delivery framework, use of health information technologies, management of operations, quality assurance, as well as accreditation competencies. In addition, the report includes recommendations for healthcare practice to improve healthcare delivery processes and quality outcomes.
Health Care Delivery and Models
The UMMS is an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) committed to providing high-quality, cost-effective, and coordinated care (, n.d.). According to Barath et al. (2020), an ACO is a community-centered care reimbursement and delivery framework where sets of health care facilities, physicians, and other medical providers freely integrate efforts to offer high-quality care to a pre-specified population and are jointly fiscally responsible for care quality and associated costs. The rationale for the categorization is that the health care organization comprises their employed doctor groups, as well as independent doctor groups and practices within its service area, a 14-county adjoining area within Maryland touching the Chesapeake Bay, surrounding the Baltimore metropolitan (, n.d.).
As an ACO, UMMS should provide inpatient, outpatient, and ancillary services to the Baltimore population. Inpatient care services will include complex surgeries and other routine ones, serious medical issues or illnesses that require significant monitoring, childbirth, and rehabilitation services for substance misuse, psychiatric illnesses, or serious injuries. Outpatient care services that will be provided include but are not limited to CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, and other imaging types; lab tests (bloodwork), colonoscopies, minor surgeries, mammograms, radiation treatment or chemotherapy, routine physical examinations, and follow-up services or consultations (St. George’s University, 2021). The organization’s ancillary services include but are not limited to cardiac monitoring, hearing, audiology, ambulance services, behavioral health, dialysis, and ambulatory surgery center services. E-health services include mobile apps and texts to support chronic care and behavioral change, telemedicine, patient data entry, logging, tracking, and retrieval services (Bauer, 2018).
Figure 1: A map detailing UMMS delivery of care (services).
The process map above details health care delivery from patient interaction with the health care system to service delivery. Once the patient enters the healthcare organization, patient-physician exchanges and consultations based on electronic medical records (EMR) system are necessary for optimal service delivery (McLaughlin & Olson, 2017a). Patient confidentiality and security are important transports within the healthcare delivery process (Kruse et al., 2017).
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