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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Numbness and Pain

Case Study Instructions:

*cite all sources please.1. Always provide references to support your posts. Specifically, referencing within the text of your post is scholarly (vs. simply listing a reference at the bottom of your post). This approach relays to the reader the specific references you are attempting to achieve.
2. Avoid plagiarism. Among the previous posts, there were a few examples of this, but I gave everyone a pass and I posted under announcement what is plagiarism. Plagiarism is taking an author's words and submitting them as your own. Should you wish to use an author's words (word for word sentences or phrases), you may do so by placing quotations around the words used and providing the proper reference, including page number, of the quote according to APA 7th ed.
3. Give thought to your postings. Superficial postings are not helpful, and do not elevate the conversation to a scholarly level.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Student Name
Institution Affiliation
Case Study 2: Numbness and Pain
A 47-year-old obese female complains of pain in her right wrist, with tingling and numbness in the thumb and index and middle fingers for the past 2 weeks. She has been frustrated because the pain causes her to drop her hair-styling tools.
Review of the Case Study
Patient’s initials: FM
Age: 47 years
Gender: Female
Race: Not specified.
Subjective Data
Chief Complaint (CC)
She experiences an uncomfortable pain on her right wrist. She has also been experiencing tingling and numbness in the thumb, index and middle fingers for the past two weeks.
History of Present Illness (HPI)
The patient has been experiencing pain in her right wrist and fingers for the past two weeks. The pain has become unbearable and is affecting her work. It makes her drop her hair-styling tools. To ascertain the extent and history of the condition, it is imperative to ask a series of questions including the below.
* Have you been involved in any strenuous activities of heavy lifting recently?
* When did you first notice the pain on your wrist?
* Have you been involved in an accident in the past where your hand was injured?
* Do you feel pain in other parts of the body?
* Is anyone subjecting you to torture or mistreating you?
She is not taking any medications
Are you allergic to any food or medication?
Past Medical History
* Have you been diagnosed with arthritis?
* Have you been involved in a car accident?
* Is there a history of cardiac, neurological and muscular diseases in your family?

Past Surgical History (PSH)

She has not undergone surgery in the past.
Sexual History
* Are you married?
* Do you have children?
* Do you have active sex life?
Personal/ Social History:
* What is your occupation and some of your hobbies?
* Do you exercise regularly and do you engage in weight lifting?
* Do you smoke or drink alcohol? If so, in what quantities?
Immunization History
* When did you have your last tetanus shot?
* Are your immunizations up to date?
Review of Systems (ROS)
She is complaining of pain in her right wrist and tingling and numbness in her fingers.
No rash or itching.
No chest pain or discomfort.
No complaints.
No abdominal issues
Tingling and numbness in her fingers in her right hand.
No complaints
No history of splenectomy.
The issue is affecting her work. She keeps dropping her hair-styling tools.
Objective Data
Physical Exam: She has a weight issue since she is obese. Her height has not been specified but should be recorded. It is important to determine her exact weight and height to recommend the amount of pounds she should lose to become healthy.
General Examination: The general examinations will check her body temperature and discoloration in her eyes. Th...
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