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Case Study
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Ethical Approach in Managing Resources in Tourism, Hospitality, and Events

Case Study Instructions:

This case study requires you to assess the provided scenario, identify TH&E resource management issues/problems and its ethical implications. This task requires you to take a systematic approach and adopt critical thinking to understand the complexity of resource management in TH&E and identify meaningful resolutions.
Working individually, prepare a clear and concise 2500-word case study report. Relevant references/sources must be used to support your analysis and recommendations.
Choose ONE scenario (out of two), identify the key resource management concerns/issues presented in the case study scenario, discuss the underlying causes and implications of the identified issues. Relevant theories are required to justify your reasoning. At the end of your report, you're required to formulate TWO strategic recommendations to address the issues/questions raised.
Your case study report should include the following:
Title page
Introduction of case study context, underlying issues/problems evident in the case study
A detailed analysis of underlying cause(s) of the issues and problems, as well as implications of ethical concerns with the support of relevant literature and industry examples. Use sub-headings for each issue/problem.
Recommendations (TWO)
References (not included in word count)
Appendices (if needed - not included in word count)
You're required to include at least 10 recent references (within ten years) following APA 6th or 7th style. Instructions on how to prepare case study analysis will be provided during scheduled tutorials.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Case Study Report
Student’s Name
Case Study Report
Managing resources in tourism, hospitality, and events (TH&E) requires an ethical approach to issues because the interrelation between the locals and tourists can be complex. The resources needed in TH&E include physical, human, financial, operational, and intangible resources (Evans, 2015). Effective management of these resources can lead to a competitive advantage for firms in the tourism, hospitality, and events industry. Also, certain issues or concerns can arise in TH&E resource management. For this report, Case study 1 will be examined. This case involves Travel Masters Elite, a small tourism enterprise based in Australia that offers get-away holidays and trips to Fiji. The founders of this enterprise wanted to establish its operations in an African nation. The founders saw the African nation as a great tourist destination site that would offer them an opportunity to simultaneously expand their product offering and help grow the economy of an emerging African country. After selecting an African nation to establish their operations, they arranged meetings with key stakeholders, and at first, they seemed to be receiving support from the stakeholders. However, they encountered issues that raised significant resource management concerns. The key resource management concerns encountered in this case are:
* Access to physical resources such as transport equipment, bedding, and safari tents
* Challenges in acquiring intangible resources such as business contact networks as well as legally defensible business licenses
* Access to a skilled workforce through collaboration with local tour guide companies
Without these resources, it would be difficult for the founders to establish their operations in the African nation. There were many practices in the new country that raised ethical issues for Travel Masters Elite. This was especially problematic because the company was founded on ethical principles and practices. The founders wondered how they would establish a socially responsible and ethical business in a country where norms and practices presented a challenge.
The three resource management issues identified in the case have a significant impact on the success of Travel Masters Elite operations in the African nation. As such, it is important to analyze the underlying causes of these issues to ensure an effective solution is established.
Concerns in Accessing Physical Resources
The first issue involves concerns in accessing physical resources such as food for tourists, transport equipment, bedding, and safari tents. The founders had already identified suppliers who could provide them with food for tourists. There was, however, an issue concerning the ethical behavior of these food suppliers. These food suppliers were suspected of working closely with individuals who could be considered black marketers in western countries. Also, they had already found a supplier who could provide them with bedding and safari tents. However, they soon realized that this supplier engaged in unethical labor practices. Workers employed by this supplier worked for over ten hours a day, and they were not paid for working overtime. As ...
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