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Group Dynamics Social Sciences Case Study Research Paper

Case Study Instructions:

Please choose a case study of your choice. Follow the format that is attached.


[HUS 308 : PLA FOR GROUP DYNAMICS] NAME DATE: Present a case study of a specific group process. Use any theory that you have learned and utilize to complete this assignment. Use the the following outline to complete the study. Each section should include specific behavior identified during the group process when addressing the concepts to be discussed. 1. The purpose of the group. A. What was the purpose of the group and, B. Identify what type of group you conducted. C. Be specific on how the purpose and type were coorelated. 2. How did the auspice of the group and its role impact on the group process. A. Connect auspice to group purpose B. Identify ite impact on the process C. Identify its impact on facilitator and participants. 3. Describe your personal and professional values that you brought to the group process and how they interact with your understanding of the theory of group process. A. What are the proessional values and what are they based on. B. How do they connect to your understanding of group process. C. Connect the values and your understanding to specific behaviors observed in the group process. 4. Group Process phases: Discuss the three main phases of the group Beginning, Middle and End. For each phase address the following. A. Beginning Phase: 1. Define what is meant by the beginning phase of the group process 2. Identify specific group behavior exhibited by the group participants 3. Identify you specific interventions to adress the participant behaviors, and how the behaviors addressed the theory of group process. B. Middle Phase: 1. Define what is meant by the beginning phase of the group process 2. Identify specific group behavior exhibited by the group participants 4. Identify you specific interventions to adress the participant behaviors, and how the behaviors addressed the theory of group process. C. End Phase: 1. Define what is meant by the beginning phase of the group process 2. Identify specific group behavior exhibited by the group participants 5. Identify you specific interventions to adress the participant behaviors, and how the behaviors addressed the theory of group process. 5. Identify the group’s dicision making process. A. Identify the types of conflict observed Task Conflict: Process Conflict, Relationship Conflict. B. How did the group address the specific conflicts. C. What was you role and what skills did you use to address the impasses.

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Group Dynamics Case study
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Group Dynamics Case Study
Group dynamics comprises of set or system of behavior alongside psychological processes that can be identified with a particular social group or at times between social groups. The study of group dynamics is essential since it provides a deep understanding of different significant human behaviors that include decision-making, the creation of effective processes as well as providing solutions to problems. At the same time, it is crucial in promoting new ideas as well as technologies amongst other system operations. Group dynamics provide an adequate and relevant platform for the development of cohesiveness, collaboration, creativity as well as problem-solving skills (Forsyth, 2018).
1 The purpose of the group
The group is a problem-solving committee within a church organization instituted for the purposes of addressing different challenges that disrupt the aspect of unity within the church. This group’s main objective is providing solutions as well as making recommendations concerning various issues that influence the church progress in general. The committee provided an excellent opportunity for utilization of members’ skills, abilities as well as the gifts. In this case, there is an elaborate provision of the leadership potential from members. As explained, this is a decision-making committee whereby members are required to probe and orchestrate different forms of solutions towards the problem at hand.
2 The auspice of the group and its role impact on the group process
The group is more program-centered whereby leadership is invested in the committee. The key element revolves around the strong lay leadership which not only delivers pastoral care but also undertakes the planning and program development, coordination alongside ensuring the consensus-building (Davis, 2016). The committee ensures the existence of a well-honed strategy that eventually results in church growth both numerically and the maturity of relationships. The leader of the group is charged with the responsibility of creating intentional programs geared towards follow-up as well as the assimilation of new members. The committee applies the use of computer software for the purposes of tracking potential group activities and the entire membership.
3 Personal and professional values
My personal value of esteem towards commitment is an essentiality in ensuring that the members of the team relentlessly work towards the development of the church systems. At the same time, my professional value on the use of appropriate communication language and tools ensures the effective delivery of gaps and the needs that are influencing the unity and the church system. The aspect of communication is also crucial when it comes to the effective matching of a congregation with the necessary resources. The call to unity is equally very necessary for the development of a cohesive committee. There is a possibility of the committee though having the mission right, lack the appropriate methodology in implementing their strategies which bring in the quality of a robust style of leadership. The leadership style would guarantee soberness whereby none of the ag...
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