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Case Study
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Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty: Uber

Case Study Instructions:

Select a company of your choice, one that has been dealing with risk and uncertainty within the LAST SIX MONTHS, and write a 5–7 page paper in which you identify risk and identify comprehensive ways to should minimize its negative impacts and address risk while improving profitability.
Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment(These can include journal articles and peer quality reviewed documents). One reference MUST be about the risk and uncertainty the company has faced in the LAST SIX MONTHS.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Wikipedia, Investopedia, Course Hero, and similar websites are not acceptable references.
1.)Evaluate a company's recent actions (within the last six months) dealing with risk and uncertainty.
2.)Offer advice for improving risk management.
3.)Examine an adverse selection problem your company is facing and recommend how it should minimize its negative impact on transactions.
4.)Determine the ways your company is dealing with the moral hazard problem and suggest best practices used in the industry to deal with it.
5.)Identify a principal-agent problem in your company and evaluate the tools it uses to align incentives and improve profitability.
6.) Examine the organizational structure of your company and suggest ways it can be changed to improve the overall profitability.

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Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty: Uber
COVID-19 greatly affected business and the survival of companies globally. A significant percentage of companies all over the world were forced to close down temporarily or permanently because of COVID-19. One major change that affected businesses was the restriction of movement and lockdowns that were introduced as measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. In China, for example, Dai et al. (2) report that 18% of SMEs were forced to close shop permanently. In the U.S., the numbers were not any different, as the country also saw an increase in the spread of the coronavirus. As measures were being adopted, business was being affected. Fairlie (4) reports that active business owners in the U.S. reduced by 3.3 million. The shocking bit was that this reduction happened in only two months. This change made life difficult for millions in the country, as they lost their incomes.
1. Recent Actions
Throughout the struggles to contain COVID-19, Uber found itself struggling to remain afloat since the number of clients reduced. COVID-19 introduced a lot of risks and uncertainties for Uber as the company tried to survive throughout the pandemic. However, as the world continues the vaccination campaign and normalcy is resuming, Uber is slowly finding its footing. In the last six months, Uber has introduced a few rules or measures as it seeks to drive business back up to the levels it was before COVID-19 struck. One change that has taken place at Uber is the increase in transparency. As it was reported by Horowitz (n.d), Uber decided to start showing the drivers the full fare paid by the riders. He continues to write that the company started doing this because it was revealed earlier that it normally shows drivers lower fares than the ones customers pay. Albu and Flyverbom (11) note that organizations need to avoid invoking a form of transparency that is subject to compromises. Therefore, Uber’s decision was welcomed, especially during this period of uncertainty. Another action by Uber, especially in the last six months, has been to hike its prices. Sainato (n.d) reports that Uber fares have increased even though the payment for drivers has not increased as well. During the pandemic, Uber suffered greatly, with its customer-trip volumes dropping by 80% (Lashinsky, n.d). As the world has been slowly opening up, the ride-sharing company decided to increase its prices as a way to increase its income. With Morshed et al. (155) reporting that the ride-hailing services industry is expected to grow “at a rate of 55.6%,” it makes sense to increase its rate and take advantage of this change.
2. Risk Management
While these actions have helped Uber find its footing and possibly position itself for the future, COVID-19 exposed its lack of a risk management plan. The losses experienced in 2020 will be reciprocated in the future if Uber does not develop mechanisms to deal with the risk of uncertain events. The company can help manage the risk of succumbing to uncertainties and the losses attached to the same by improving its relationship with the drivers. Bursztynsky (n.d) reported that a significant number of Uber drivers have not ...
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