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4 pages/≈1100 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Outline for Effective Intervention Measures for Childhood Obesity

Coursework Instructions:

The purpose of an outline is to highlight main ideas and effectively organize information and research. Effective structure, argumentative details, and professional delivery define the effective communication of an idea. Your research outline will be presented as a sentence outline. As the name suggests, the sentence outline presents complete thoughts in complete sentences as opposed to phrases. In each section of the outline, choose ideas with the goal of developing your argument through detailed research questions, subtopics, and research. Use a complete sentence to provide the response to each of the questions below. Use APA documentation for the final section of the proposal to document any sources referenced in your proposal. Remember to put at least two items at any given level of the outline, as shown in this template and the sample proposal. 

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Childhood Obesity
I. Introduction
A. Topic
1. What is your primary research question?
What are the most effective intervention measures that target the root cause(s) of childhood obesity in America that can be employed to reverse the trend?
2. What is your angle/ working thesis?
Trying to evaluate the most effective intervention measures to control and prevent childhood obesity. Childhood obesity can be decreased by developing intervention measures tailored interventions to predisposed persons mainly through creating awareness to parents and restructuring the education system to teach and facilitate healthy living to children.
The intervention strategies ought to be modeled from existing researches conducted by scholars attempting to find more effective interventions for childhood obesity in the US.
B. Context/Background
1. Justify for your reader why the topic is important.
Childhood obesity has been on the rise and it has tripled in the last few decades (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018). It is a disturbing trend that threatens the future of the country because it affects the next generation and it can be avoided if proper measures are taken in time. Childhood obesity has direct and indirect consequences on the patients, their family, friends, community and nation. Childhood obesity affects all of us as it can increase prevalence of bullying in school and brood a new generation which has a higher likelihood of cardiovascular diseases among others.
2. Summarize the topic for your reader and explain basic background information that they will need to understand your argument (i.e. definitions, key statistics, etc.)
When a child has a BMI (Body Mass Index) higher than 95% (95 out of 100) of other children their age and sex, they are considered overweight or obese. This condition affects the quality of life of the patient immediately and in the long term. Childhood obesity causes are multifactorial but can be broadly classified into genetic and behavioral. This article seeks to expound how behavioral causes can be addressed by using a multifaceted intervention system. This article is mainly centered on intervention measures that create awareness to parents and advocate for restructuring of the education system to teach and facilitate healthy living to children.
C. Audience
1. Who is your primary audience?
My primary audience is the general public and policy makers. This article is meant to help them understand that childhood obesity is a structural problem that can be prevented and reversed.
2. Does your audience share your opinions and values? (Determine if the audience
is on your side or if they may be skeptical.)
the audience understand the gravity of childhood obesity and the many short- and long-term effects it has on the children, their families and community at large. This article is to equip the audience with data driven interventions that could reverse the emerging trend of childhood obesity.
II. Structure of Argument
A. Define the Problems
1. What research have you gathered about this issue so far?
Parenting is a root cause of childhood obesity and therefore there is need for intervention measures that ought to...
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