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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 11.66

How Important Are Unintentional Injuries To The Global Burden Of Disease?

Coursework Instructions:

How important are unintentional injuries to the global burden of disease?
What are the most important unintentional injuries that affect children?
What is Haddon

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Unintentional Injuries
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
March 11, 2017
1 How important are unintentional injuries to the global burden of disease?
1 According to WHO, unintentional diseases are “the leading cause of death among children and Young adults” (Hyder, et al., 2009). It is also reported that almost 875,000 individuals, aged eighteen years old and below, die annually in Third-world countries due to these unforeseen events and circumstances (Hyder, et al., 2009). Circumstances which could vary from a simple wound, to severe car crashes, and even to those immediate treatments that are administered by emergency personnel. In relation to the Global burden of disease, what makes the understanding of these injuries critical is that unlike other types of illnesses unintentional injuries could be prevented. But one must also note that there is much greater difficulty in preventing this as compared to traditional diseases (e.g. polio), since these events are rooted to both the physical (e.g. supporting the neck of a car crash victim during rescue) and social contexts (e.g. implementation of laws against drunk driving) of the environment CITATION Ima12 \l 1033 (Imamura, Troster, & Oliveira, 2012). Thus, with the knowledge that these accidents could be prevented despite its difficulty, unintentional injuries are deemed to be pressing and critical issues in today’s healthcare.
2 What are the most important unintentional injuries that affect children?
2 According to Hyder, et al., (2009), some of the most common accidental injuries (unintentional injuries) that affects children are external accidents such as wounds, breathing (non-drowning threats), and drowning and/or submersion. More particularly, it was stated that children of 1 years of age experiences the highest mortality rate in relation to “accidental injuries” which are caused by unforeseen circumstance...
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