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Crimes: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement

Coursework Instructions:

As a result of the instruction in this module, students will be able to:
Identify principles of conceptualization, operationalization, and measurement. (CG:4,5)
Identify data included in different measures of crime. (CG:5)
Identify crime measurement units of analysis. (CG:2,4)
Identify the general purpose for collecting crime data. (CG:2)
Recognize features of victim surveys. (CG:6)
Describe attributes of self-reported measures. (CG:6)
Identify ways measures of crime are imperfect. (CG:5)
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of various measures of crime. (CG:5,6)
Identify crime measurement instruments. (CG:7)
Compare and contrast data collected by UCR and NCVS. (CG:7)
Differentiate between crimes known to police and crimes measured through surveys. (CG:6)
(CG = Course Goal. This demonstrates the alignment from the module objective to the course goal[s].)

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Measuring Crime
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Measuring Crime
The different approaches to measuring crime highlight the general principles of conceptualization, operationalization, and measurement of crime. The conceptualization of crime or a clear and precise clarification of crime depends on the variables used in its expression, whether exploratory, descriptive, or explanatory. Its translation into something measurable or operationalization of crime takes root in the collected data about a particular crime. The measurement of crime involves the use of different variables used in the exploration, description, explanation, and applied studies of crime. The most widely used data used in measuring crime include police records of observed offenses, such as traffic offenses, and reported crimes by victims or witnesses. Crime measurement Units of analysis in crime measurement can either be summary-based or group-level units of analysis, with the former in...
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