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How Do You Handle Conflict Management?

Coursework Instructions:

How do you handle conflict management?
As you should have learned in the Power Point, Conflict is a natural and normal part of life, so its important to understand how we've been trained to handle conflict resolution and whether or not it is functional or dysfunctional. Please take the Conflict Management Styles Quiz posted in Week 12. Based on your results, answer the following questions in ESSAY FORMAT. It is not necessary to post the quiz results, but your responses should be based on them.
1. Based on the 9 Different Expressions of Conflict in the Power Point, which of these do you use most often when dealing with conflict?
2. What is your primary conflict management style based on the results of the quiz/assessment, and what are the influences that have helped shape this as your primary style: parents, culture, religion, life-experiences?
3. What techniques from the 10 Miscellaneous Helpful Tips to Manage Conflict slides in the Power Point can help you to develop a more functional conflict resolution style, if your current style is not fully functional?

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How Do You Handle Conflict Management?
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How Do You Handle Conflict Management?
My common expression in a conflict is withdrawal or giving the cold shoulder treatment. I find these techniques to be the most ideal since they help reduce the negative impacts of the conflict. Withdrawal prevents the conflict from escalating to a worse situation. It is also easy to solve it once one party is no longer interested in being in a conflict.
Based on the results of the quiz, my primary conflict management style is avoiding style. The non-confrontational approach characterizes the style. The advantage of this style is that the conflict does not escalate. It also makes it easy for the parties to avoid worst-case scenarios that would make it difficult to solve the conflict. The style is disadvantageous in that it leaves the pro...
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