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Management Personality Style

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Assignment 2: DiSC Assessment Reflection
Due Week 5 and worth 100 points.
Instructions: Use your Everything DiSC Management Profile Assessment results to identify your DiSC management style and answer the questions below. Remember, this is a reflection of your personality and strengths, so there are no “right” answers. Just be sure to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully.
DiSC STYLE: ___________
(insert style above ex: D, i, S, C, etc.)
1 Give a brief summary of what your style says about your management personality style. (Page 4 of your report.)
I am the type who pursues the sense of steady and precise performance, who would rather choose a manner that is efficiently used than a new path, knows boundaries within professional relationships, and knows how to communicate with people like me. Also since I have high expectations of myself, I am cautious of every decision I make so I take longer than normal to decide.

2 Did your results surprise you? Explain why or why not.
I am not somewhat surprised about the results as I can picture myself being described in it. Even before, I have always seen myself as an assertive person who is uncomfortable in disharmony and would rather focus on producing a rather almost perfect result. I am also mostly irritated when my known schedule is not followed but my level of irritation depends on the occasion so I tend to tell the people around me to never change a schedule that is settled unless it is necessary.

3 Go to Page 5 of your report. Identify your “priorities,” and write them in the space below. (These are the areas where you focus most of your energy.)
My priorities were (1) achieving reliability which relates to how much effort I do to produce a reliable result despite unknown changes, (2) ensuring objectivity that reflects my careful thinking and decision making while balancing facts and the consequences, and (3) giving support where I serve as a supportive figure and proposes harmony to my surroundings.

4 Describe two (2) situations where one or more of your “priorities” have helped you accomplish a task and/or helped you to be effective when working with others.
With short preparation, our team was tasked to present which led to the internal conflict so I unconsciously stepped in to tell them that we will never produce a result if the situation continued. In the end, we finished the report on time but during the presentation, the file was suddenly cor...
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