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Ethical Minute Paper

Coursework Instructions:

Watch the video (cut and paste link in browser)
View the video entitled: “A Helpful Receptionist.”
Divide your paper into the following headings and answer the questions:
Identified Problem
• Did the receptionist violate the principle of confidentiality?
Applicable ACA Codes
• Which ethics codes for the ACA apply to this scenario? (Make sure to include the code numbers)
Applicable State Codes/or Mental Health Laws
• Which ethics codes from your state practice act apply to this scenario? (Make sure to include the code numbers)
Applicable Federal Mental Health Laws
• Does any Mental Health Federal Laws apply to this scenario?
Two References the ACA Code of Ethics can be one and the video can be the second or a professional source (journal). APA 7 for writing.

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Ethics are the professional standards that must be abided by in order to protect the well-being and dignity of clients. The practitioner should make sure that the client understands that their information will be kept confidential. Breaches of confidentiality and lack of obtaining consent are common complaints by clients (Lamont-Mills et al., 2018). One of the ACA codes of ethics is confidentiality. A counselor should be sensitive to the cultural aspects of the client and respects their rights. The counselor should discuss with the client where there is a need for information to be shared and when consent is given. This essay will examine the ethical issues portrayed in the video.
Did the receptionist violate the principle of confidentiality? Applicable ACA codes
According to the ACA code, the reception did violate confidentiality, which is under section B of the ACA Code of Ethics.
Which ethics codes for the ACA apply to this scenario(include the code numbers) applicable state codes/or mental health laws
The ACA code broken is the information shared with others in B3a (American Counselling Association, 2014). Practitioners should put efforts that ensure subordinates maintain the privacy of clients. The receptionist, who is a subordinate, should have been tra...
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