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Importance of Animal Research

Coursework Instructions:

This is a very short paper, it's on the importance of animal research. You need to find a credible article and please use info out of basic learning and behavior text book. I'll send a link to it and just pick a article you prefer. Thank you
This is the text book the article needs to be related to.
"Domjan, M., & Grau, J. W. (2020). The principles of learning and behavior. Cengage. 7th edition"

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The article by Bedwell (2016) emphasizes the fundamental role of animal research in psychology and biomedical sciences. The author indicates that using animals to learn about diverse, complex biological processes has been the cornerstone for the advancements of modern science. Bedwell’s primary reason for exploring this topic arises from the emerging perception that technological and scientific advancements could render animal research irrelevant. The author underscores that even with these milestones in research, animal research still offers a critical opportunity for understanding subtle but sophisticated learnings about sensation and brain structures. These studies have also directly influenced contemporary advancements in human beings’ social and behavioral understanding. Thus, the article demonstrates the value of animal research in learning diverse aspects of human nature.
After reading the discussions by Bedwell, it became clear that animal research remains influential in diverse disciplines due to the primary information that it provides. I agree that although advancements may eventually shift the attention from animal models...
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