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Marketing Communications Tool Evaluation Report

Essay Instructions:

IMC assessment is a detailed writing requirement for this report. Please read this document carefully. This report should be completed according to the speech materials provided (refer to the ppt and the speech draft).zip file is the courseware of Integrated Marketing Communications for reference, thank you.

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A Marketing Communications Tool Evaluation Report
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A Marketing Communications Tool Evaluation Report
Marketing is one of the most important aspects of promoting and increasing tourism in a city. The city of Sheffield has great potential to become a popular tourist destination due to its rich cultural and sports history, modern music scene, and impressive green facilities. However, compared to neighboring cities like Leeds and Manchester, Sheffield still has a lot of ground to cover in terms of visitor numbers. To address this challenge, an integrated marketing plan has been proposed to Sheffield City Council that includes various marketing communications tools. This report critically evaluates advertising as the chosen integrated marketing communications tool in the Sheffield Football Feasting event proposed by Informal Talk. The report examines advertising within the context of integrated marketing communications and evaluates its strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Additionally, the report provides recommendations on how to measure the success of advertising and the importance of having controls in place. Finally, the report concludes with justified recommendations for the future development of advertising to raise visitor numbers to Sheffield.
Marketing Tool Definition
Marketing is a broad term that refers to a variety of activities aimed at promoting products, services, or ideas to potential customers or clients. Advertising is one of the most important marketing tools used by businesses to communicate their message to their target audiences. It is a paid, non-personal promotion that utilizes various media channels, such as TV, radio, print, online, and outdoor advertising, to reach and persuade customers to buy a product or service or take some other desired action (Rust, 2020). Advertising is one of the key elements in integrated marketing communications that works in conjunction with other communication tools to deliver a consistent and coordinated message to target audiences. One of the most significant advantages of advertising is its ability to create brand awareness and influence customer behavior. With the help of advertising, businesses can reach a large audience quickly and efficiently, making it an effective way to promote products or services (Grewal et al., 2020). Moreover, advertising works in conjunction with other communication tools, such as public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling, to deliver a consistent and coordinated message to target audiences.
Advertising is a diverse field that offers multiple types of advertisement options to businesses. Print advertising, broadcast advertising, online advertising, outdoor advertising, and social media advertising are the most commonly used types of advertising. Print advertising includes advertisements in newspapers, magazines, brochures, and flyers (Desai & Vidyapeeth, 2019). Broadcast advertising refers to advertisements on television or radio. Online advertising encompasses digital ads such as display ads, social media ads, and search engine ads. Outdoor advertising involves billboards, posters, and other physical media p...
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