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Essay for school application: International Experiences

Essay Instructions:
USD QUESTION: As a Catholic university, the values below represent some of the most important characteristics of the USD experience. Please select one of the topics below and explain how you might enhance our community or benefit from that particular value. (100 words or less) *Academic Excellence *Diversity and Inclusion *International Experiences *Religion and Spirituality *Compassionate Service *Sustainability School: University of San Diego Name: Meshari Please choose the choice of International Experiences.
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Running Header: International Experiences
International Experiences
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International Experiences
` The ability to have an International Experience is among the main reasons why I chose to study at University of San Diego (USD), owing to the fact that USD’s staff and students come from different backgrounds and cultures. The ability to interact with people of different cultures would present me with a range of opportunities to test my levels of tolerance. Such an opportunity would endow me with a strong platform to start my career in view of the fact that I would like to manage a successful worldwide organization, in which I would be dealing with diverse groups of people. After undertaking adequate research on different higher learning institutions, I believe that USD is best suited to endow me with this opportunity.
After being able to effectively work with different people at the university level, I should be able to apply the skills learnt to effectively manage large groups of people in any organization. As a leader, it is imperative that one fully understands his employees, both as an employee and as an individual. In case this leader-employee relationship is translated to a relationship between different employees, this understanding fosters good relationships within the organization as a whole. As a result, this turns into a form of motivation to the workers. By helping the company achieve, and sometimes surpass its targets, the organization may ...
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