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Most Effective Methods in Teaching Writing

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 Discussion
Based on what you are learning in the text, and drawing upon your own experiences, what do you believe are the most effective methods for teaching writing? Should writing methods used be different for English versus the native language? What are some of the reasons students may struggle with writing in English?
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Module 4 Discussion
Student’s Name
Module 4 Discussion
I believe the most effective methods of teaching writing include gradual release of writing responsibility to students, allowing students to choose their own topics, and permitting sharing of their writing with others. In the gradual release of writing responsibility, the teacher at first provides almost all the support then gradually allows the responsibility to shift to students, eventually letting them write independently. In this case, “instruction is focused on the process of writing as well as on the final product” (Freeman & Freeman, 2006, p. 158). When students are allowed to select their own topics, they take ownership of the writing and write for authentic purposes (Freeman & Freeman, 2006). Sharing their writing with others makes them perceive it as more powerful than just writing for a test or grade purposes. I believe these methods are most effective when teaching writing.
I do not ...
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