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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Ped's care plan. Health, Medicine, Nursing Assignment

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My patient is 4 yr old boy who was admitted with diarrhea x2 days and dehydration. Please when you do the interventions please add dates to them.

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PES Format
NANDA Nsg Dx: Diarrhea
Related Factors: Disagreeable dietary intake
Bacterial and viral infections
Gastrointestinal disorders
Definition: Passage of loose, unformed stool.
Defining characteristics (As evidenced by):
Subjective: The patient says that he has been having on and off bedpans since morning.
This shows cramping, abdominal pains and sore bottoms.
Objective: Sunken eyes
Sluggish skin turgor
5 loose stools
STG: The patient will be able to verbalize on his condition without pain and restlessness by day 2.
LTG: The patient will report less diarrhea, and soft stool by the end 36 hours.
STG#1: Assess the reports of the patient regularly.
STG#2: Encourage the patient to take clear liquids every time that he is awake.
STG#3: Provide the patient with clear liquids for two hours.
LTG#1: Assess the consistency of the formation of defecation and the patient’s stool.
LTG#2: Record the daily number of bowel movements.
LTG#3: Educate the patient on the clear liquids that he requires and those that he does not.Rationale
STG#1: Assessing and reassessing the reports of the child will aid in understanding the degree of the diarrhea (Karimi & Rajabnejad, 2019).
STG#2: An increased intake of fluids replaces the fluid lost in the stool (Schiller et al., 2017).
STG#3: Taking the fluids frequently reduces dehydration (World Health Organization, 2008).
LTG#1: Evaluation of the pattern of defecation will help in direct treatment (Karimi & Rajabnejad, 2019).
LTG#2: The assessment of the movements of the bowel yields important indications of abdominal discomfort, pain, lose of fluid and anythink linked to diarrhea (Canavan & Arant Jr, 2009).
LTG#3: The correct intake of the right fluids cures dehydration (World Health Organization, 2008).Evaluation
STG was met. In the process of the diagnosis, the patient was able to comment on how he was feeling.
LTG was met. The patient reported less diarrhea and soft stool after 36 hours.
PES Format
NANDA Nsg Dx: Dehydration and imbalanced nutrition
Related Factors: Diarrhea Vomiting
Increased secretion
Irritable bowel
Mucosal inflammation
Definition: Dehydration due to diarrhea is caused by excessive loss of water in the body, vomiting and diseases in the gastrointestinal tract.
Defining characteristics (As evidenced by):
Subjective: The patient says that he has been passing out loose and unformed stool for a whole day. He also says that he has been vomiting and not eating much.
This shows his general weakness, lightheadedness and dry mouth.
Objective: Rumbling in the lower abdomen
Perceived inability to ingest food
Sore bottoms, UrgencyOutcome/Goals
STG: After a recommended counselling with the nurse, the parents of the patient will demonstrate and verbalize on techniques of promoting hygiene and preventing diarrhea. The outcomes will show by day 2.
LTG: After 48 hours, the patient will not feel dehydrated and he will be eating more food. Interventions
STG#1: Educate the parents on...
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