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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Understanding of the Relationship Between Planetary and Human Health

Essay Instructions:

Howard, C. (2017). Healthy Planet, Healthy People. https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/courtney_howard_healthy_planet_healthy_people
Holder, C. (2020). The link between climate change, health and poverty. https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/cheryl_holder_the_link_between_climate_change_health_and_poverty#t-653714

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I have learned that Climate change is and continues to be one of the significant threats to global health worldwide, particularly so in Canada, where environmental and climate issues are ranked third based on its problems ranking (Howard, 2017). The world has undergone changes in the last fifteen years, which have become detrimental to the population’s health. Such changes include changes in precipitation patterns and the average temperature in Canada, which have increased by 1.7 °C to about 3°C presently, which are dangerous levels. Consequently, the world’s health is under threat, and necessary action is vital if the planet and its people are to coexist safely.
The information discussed in this lecture influences my understanding of the relationship between planetary and human health in two ways. It has helped me understand the connection between failing to care for the planet and poor human health. Poorly taking care of our planet makes it respond unkindly through disastrous events such as heat waves, wildfires, drought, floods, and storms. Consequently, people endure injuries, diseases, and deaths due to floods, food def...
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