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Why Did The South Secede When Abraham Lincoln Was Elected President?

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Why did the south secede when Abraham Lincoln was elected president? Would the south had seceded if someone had been elected? 

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Why did the south secede when Abraham Lincoln was elected president? Would the south have seceded if someone had been elected?
Institutional Affiliation
The secession, considered as the worst mistake by the southern states, occurred in December 1860, due to various reasons. One, President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican and Republicans were against slavery. Second, according to Word Socialist, President Abraham Lincoln, in his campaign, spoke against slavery terming it as an immoral act. He further promised when elected; he would tame its spread and only allow it to exist in the states where it presently practiced (Jones, 2010). The southern states, whose power run on slavery, considered these utterances as a threat to their freedom of owning slaves and believed that he would eventually abolish slavery. Moreover, the southern states developed a fear that failure to allow slavery to spread would increase the population of the slaves, who would eventually become a threat to the white’s control (Abraham Lincoln’s Classroom, 2017).
The south would...
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