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Human Resource Task 2 Name: Course: Instructor: Date: 1. Memo To : The CEO, Lego Toy Company From : John Doe, Elementary Division Manager Cc : Executive Team, Lego Toy Company Date : October 9, 2012 Subject : Lead Levels on Elementary Toys It has come to my attention that Lego Toys Company is manufacturing toys, which exceed the accepted lead levels. The Elementary toys are specifically designed for children below the age of 7 years, and it is imperative that Lego Toy Company sits down and discusses the way forward. The Quality Assurance Manager brought in the information on lead traces after performing several tests on some of our toys. The schools open in a matter of weeks and, therefore, it is important the Company comes up with a solution within the shortest time possible. As the head of Elementary Division of Lego Toy Company, I have come up with the following recommendations. Three possible decision alternatives Due to time and money constraints, I have come up with three possible decisions that can help the Company solve the issue of lead traces urgently. I was of the opinion that the Company can put the three choices into consideration: The Company can overlook the lead traces at the moment and deal with the repercussions later. The Company can decide to reproduce the whistles The Company can opt to subcontract the whistles a) Process and method for selecting the alternatives In addressing the present situation that the Company is facing, I used previous cases solved by the Company as the method for coming up with a solution. This is not the first time that the company has had to deal with issues regarding shipping delay and defective items. I went through the company records and I managed to come up with the following recommendations. In one of the cases, the company shipped the consignment to our customers when some of the toys even when the company realized that some of the toys had cracked. I therefore, decided that the Company sends the shipment imm...
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