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Employment Development: The Training Process Model

Essay Instructions:

Training courses selected for employees directly relate to an organization’s strategic plan. Often courses address symptoms of issues within the organization rather than addressing the root cause.
Discuss the differences in how small and large businesses might implement the training process model. How might one or the other be at an advantage for addressing the root cause of issues within the business as opposed to simply addressing the symptoms?

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Employee Development
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Employee Development
The implementation of the training process model differs significantly between small and large organizations. According to Smith and Sadler-Smith (2006), large organizations have at their disposal opportunities and resources that may be difficult to find in small organizations. Large organizations are more likely to have resources, expertise, and HRD capabilities compared to small organizations. As such, large organization are in a better position to implement the training process model. The authors point out that smaller organizations face barriers such as availability and relevance of externally offered training programs, high turnover, and cost that may affect their ability to implement training (Smith & Sadler-Smith, 2006). Given that the external training may be the best option for training in small organizations (Mathis & Jackson, 2011), its relevance and availability hinder the ability of small organizations to implement the training process model.
While large organizations may be more likely to implement the tra...
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