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Second Response Management Essay Research Paper Coursework

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Respond to both post using original title and one source per post
Post #1 Jill response 135 word with 1 response:
There are numerous factors that could support both the groups who feel the ACA is essential and those who oppose. Several positive changes occurred in the healthcare system. Many Americans who could not previously afford coverage acquired insurance. Healthcare also became more affordable. Individuals with preexisting conditions could no longer be denied coverage. Coverage limits no longer presented an issue for those who had chronic conditions as insurance companies were no longer allowed to pay only set amounts for patient care. More preventative care was covered. Many prescription costs went down subsequently creating more opportunities for those originally unable to afford necessary medications to have them. The ACA was implemented with the idea that individuals who attempted earlier care would be healthier down the line thereby creating a healthier population and lowering future healthcare costs as a whole.
Unfortunately there was also a downside in the creation of the ACA. Premiums for those whom already had insurance rose. This was a result of a wider range of benefits being covered as well as coverage for those with preexisting conditions. There were higher taxes on wealthier individuals as well as new taxes passed into law to help fund the ACA. Some employees had work hours reduced in an effort for businesses to not have to provide coverage for them. Wait times for specialty tests and non-emergent surgeries were increased for some.
Healthcare for all is a better fit for the United States in that many individuals who have not been able to seek healthcare might have a better quality of life. It's a possibility that those who could have potentially passed on prematurely resulting from of lack of healthcare may not after having been given access. The goal of the ACA and the Patient Protection Act was to ensure universal healthcare for all Americans was achieved. Various studies performed during the first few years of the ACA's implementation showed progress in that area (Courtemanche et. al, 2017).
Post #2 Joshua response 135 word with 1 response:
Health Information Technology (HIT) is a broad spectrum that includes a range of technologies that share, store, and analyze health information to help providers diagnose better as well as improving patient outcomes. In the United States in 2009, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act made "incentive payments available to providers who adopted the meaningful use of a certified electronic health record (EHR), stimulating widespread adoption of HIT across various health care settings" (Kruse, 2018). This was an effort made to improve patient outcomes and track possible diagnoses that were similar across the country and specific to patients area of living. For example, patients that live in the southwest or southeast region of the United States might be less prone to skin cancer since they have been adapted to consistent sunlight compared to states in the midwest or northeast region that don't see as much consistent sunlight causing them to have fairer skin. In addition to research and health outcomes, HIT is a way for administrative associates to make financially better decisions with facts that prove their stance on certain issues and funding topics. However, HIT can pose a threat to hospital and healthcare facilities because of the confidential patient information that is shared and stored, making it more valuable to underground black markets in order to steal peoples identity (DOB, SS#, home address, payment source, etc.) Overall, HIT advancement is the future of healthcare as everything in modern industries is based of data analytics in which decisions are made with statistical information that will result in the least repercussions for the organization.
Kruse CS, Beane A (2018) Health Information Technology Continues to Show Positive Effect on Medical Outcomes: Systematic Review J Med Internet Res 2018;20(2):e41

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Second Response
Second Responses
Post #1 Jill response
Just like me, you have noted the positive changes bought by ACA in the healthcare department. You mention an important aspect, like individuals with preexisting conditions who could not access adequate care. This left me a little anxious to know which preexisting conditions were not covered. I am sure they could be the most expensive to treat, as the simple ones like normal flu would not require a lot of funds to respond to. On the downsides, you elaborate the increase in premiums for the already insured citizens and high taxes for the wealthy that McIntyre and Song (2019) discussed. I do not fully agree with these points, and I feel the wealthy should accept the high taxes. Don’t they have more than enough to offer? Finally, on the ACA role and PPA was to ensure the affordable healthcare was achieved. Were they working on this as a right or a privilege?
McIntyre A, & Song Z. (2019). The US Affordable Care Act: Reflections and directions at the ...
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