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Essay 1: Bowenian Family Therapy Analysis. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

This essay should be 3-4 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page. The purpose of this assignment is for students to closely examine and analyze a family therapy session conducted by expert Bowenian family therapist, Dr. Phillip Guerin.
Students will watch a video of a family therapy session with a real-life family. Following this, students will write an essay including:
1. Introduction
2. The Key Concepts of Bowenian Family Therapy,
3. A thorough counseling Session Analysis,
4. Discussion of benefits and/or limitations of the treatment based on diversity factors (Consideration of Diversity Factors),
5. And a Conclusion.
*In addition, subheadings within the session analysis section are also required (see rubric).

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The Bowenian Family Therapy
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The Bowenian Family Therapy
Murray Bowen came up with the Bowenian Family therapy as his researched theory to family problems from the medical involvement point of view, linked to professional psychology. He was a medical doctor, and his theory was put into practice by Guerin to clarify the use of the therapy to treat family dysfunctions. The theory is a multi-generational approach explaining that the history of a family influences or plays a role in dysfunctional experiences, meaning that a generation passes down the lessons to the next generation (Guerin, 2010). The therapy investigates individuals versus the family togetherness in response to anxieties, to follow up the functioning of family development. According to Bowen, too much love might prevent individuality; thus, the concept of self-differentiation and individuality results in loss of affection. However, the theory puts both elements into consideration. This essay discusses the therapy concepts, a thorough counseling session analysis, and considers diversity factors or the effectiveness of the method.
The critical concepts of Bowenian Family Therapy explain the theory better. The concepts interlock to reveal more on family development and to function (Bowen, 1978). Self-differentiation is one of the ideas where individuals learn to separate their feelings from other views to make proper judgments or to enable different opinions towards an issue. Triangles are another crucial step as they are the basic units of family systems. In solving conflicts, the idea of the triangle involves an outsider who lacks attachment to the family. The outsider gives sober advice to help the therapist solve problems better. The nuclear family emotional processes is a concept that shows patterns in a family passed on from generations, which has helped in genograms like in the cases of the family inherited businesses and the likes. The family projection process to put to light the family member who has issues and put him or her in a triangle to solve the problems is another concept. The family member who is telling the story of the happenings will have trouble in opinions, thus the need to cut off the emotional thread. The multi-generational transmission process shows the way individuals end up having similar levels of differentiation and behaviors passed on. An emotional cutoff is a situation where an individual decides to leave the family to a faraway place, but then the stress will still affect the new relationships built. Sibling position explains how children take up roles in a family from the oldest to the youngest and may be under the influence of the parents or adult relations—the societal emotional process whereby social links or features like resources may affect or influence family issues. The concepts of the theory guide its practice in solving conflicts.
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