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Causes and consequences of the regime breakdown

Essay Instructions:
Discuss the causes and consequences of the regime breakdown process.
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(October 3, 2012)
Causes and consequences of the regime breakdown
A regime is a planned way of conducting things and is mostly in an authoritative manner. Poverty is one of the reasons why people are governed in a dictatorial way this is because they lack the resources to air out their views. It is generalized that people who reside in countries that are econonomically established are more likely to have a democractic governament.When the economic level of a country increases this will lead to its citizens demanding for a democractic governance which can lead to a breakdown of an authoritative regime (Przeworski, et al. 2000).
Differences in leadership personality and principles can bring a change in governance. The leaders come from different groups and they rely on different social groups for support this differences can makes the regime to break in various ways. Different ways of competition for succession and policy most oftenly affects the mode of transition. Regimes are likely to break during the succession process (Geddes, 2003).
External influence may affect the lifespan and the survival of a regime in this case, when a regime has strong international support it is more likely to have a longer life span. The Philiplines and Indonesia who were the favorite anticommunist friends of the United states gained support. External influnces can also be wars, alliancesand cold war which may have significant effects on regime change (Huntington, 1964).
Also the conditions surrounding the inception of a political party determines the durability of its regime. The decision the political actors make during the initial stages inorder to solve the fiscal and political changelles will influence the strength or fragility of maintainig themselves. The parties that survive the challenges early are more likely survive in later crisises as well. A regime breaks when there are unsolved problems in the past, the citizen loss faith in the regime because of itslack of effectiveness and consistency (Brownlee, 2004).
Regime breakdown has gr...
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