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6 Comments on 3-1 & 3-2 Post: Intelligence, Stages in Life

Essay Instructions:

There are six (6) post that need substantially comments must have
in text citation on each need in 4 days on 3-1 the comments are on Loretta, Jasmine, Jenny, and Hope. 3-2 there is Loretta, & Jasmine. the questions for 3-1 and 3-2 are different which I have gave you both questions.

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6 COMMENTS ON 3-1 & 3-2 POST

The child development theories focus on the development across stages in life where children overcome challenges and learn in each phase of development. The child could be developing his spatial intelligence and is interested in the game more than studying. Development assessment should not rely on a single source to determine how the child adjusts to changes (Illingworth, 2013) However, this is causing friction with the parent. Where possible fostering creativity in the child’s surroundings will be a motivation to learn learning may seem monotonous.
The parent is concerned of the child’s lack of ambition, and is also concerned that frequently playing video games distracts the child from other activities. It is necessary to understand whether the child’s behavior has changed after playing video games. Since the child is playing the video game alone he/she is not interacting with the age mates. Hence, understanding how the family set up and environment influences his behavior would provide important clues to assess how this affects learning. When making decisions, children and teenagers are more likely to focus on outcomes when younger and intentions of actions and behavior (Sutter, 2007).
Intelligence depends on different skills and abilities, and games may improve the child’s problem-solving skills (Erford, 2015). Nonetheless, it is important to understand what motivates the child’s love for the video games, and how changes might affect his reactions. Getting to understand what interests the child would make it easier to improve learning, where teachers and the parent play a more active role.
Good parenting involves keeping the children safe, listening to them and showing aff...
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