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PA568 Assignment 2. Strategic Competitiveness in the Public Sector

Essay Instructions:

This course is Strategic Competitiveness in the Public Sector
Sources for Exercise:
1.Singapore’s competitiveness as a global city: development strategy, institutions and business environment
2. On global cities (Longworth)
You can find those articles online.

PA 568 Strategic Competitiveness in the Public Sector Summer 2020 Assignment 2Singapore 
Sources for Exercise: 1. Singapore Article; And 2, All other course material to date. (Longworth; Porter) 
Protocol Instructions: 1. Use Word Document Only; Do Not Lock the Document. 2. Size 12 type;3. Single spacing; double spacing between paragraphs 
Exercise Instructions: 1. Using the Article on Singapore,   write a Deconstruction paper with a detailed analysis that discusses and presents the key characteristics and dimensions of competitiveness that have marked the rise of Singapore as a global city. Integrate concepts of Porter and Longworth into your analysis where appropriate.   2. Be sure to cover all the dimensions of strategy presented in the context of the article and class discussions. 3. Address any embedded implicit and explicit assumptions in the readings and your essay.
Grading Criteria:1. Organization & Creativity;(Use  FOA & TOA)2. Subject matter Knowledge 3. Depth of Analysis 4. Quality of Writing & Presentation 
Criteria Available Points Points Scored Organization / Creativity 30 Subject Matter Knowledge 50 Depth of Analysis & Creativity 50 Quality of Writing *& Presentation 20 Totals 150 Here “writing” means focused, concise, precise and complete.  
5. NOTE A: This is a challenging assignment. It takes a great deal of thought and organization. Be sure to give it the consideration it deserves. Write in a concise and focused manner. Avoid long rambling narratives. Quality is far more important than quantity.  Use creative ways to present your paper such as charts, tables, flow charts, diagrams, etc. Avoid long narratives. Be focused, concise, precise and complete. Bring out the details, not generalities. Demonstrate depth and detail of what is learned from this article. Keep in mind frames of reference and tools of analysis as organizing principles. NOTE B: Be sure in preparing your paper you have followed all of the instructions. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Competitiveness in the Public Sector 
Institutional Affiliation
The onset of globalization has led to the development of future cities that have been characterized by the presence of technological advancements and multinational corporations (Sim, Ong, Agarwal, Parsa & Keivani, 2003). An example of these cities includes Singapore that has developed and shaped its free-market economy leading to its global recognition. Notably, Singapore’s economic success and stability have been based on both the private and public dimensions of the economy. The state has an annual GCP of $362.818 billion (Sim, Ong, Agarwal, Parsa & Keivani, 2003). Concerning the public sector, Singapore used its state-owned enterprises to fuel economic growth through local and foreign direct investments to create a stable and attractive environment for investors. The study will apply different analytic approaches to comprehend the reasons behind Singapore’s economic and social stability. 
Dimensions of competitiveness that have led to the growth of Singapore to a global city
Singapore’s economic history can be dated back to the colonialism era, whereby the British set a foundation for capitalism in the region. During the independence period in the 1950s, Singapore began setting up an economic stimulus program that was aimed at changing the political ideology in the country. By the year 2000, Singapore had reduced the unemployment rate and started focusing on the public sector to promote local and foreign investments (Sim, Ong, Agarwal, Parsa & Keivani, 2003). 
One of the significant competition strategies that contributed to the country’s growth is leadership. The former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew has was referred to as the founding father of Singapore. Despite the lack of natural resources, Lee reclaimed land from the sea; hence, creating a foundation for industrialization in the Island. The manufacturing and service industries were some of the pillars of Singapore’s free-market economy. Currently, the primary exports include electronics, computers, and refined petroleum, among others. Regarding the economic policies, Lee’s People Action Party created a basis for the labor unions by coming up with worker-friendly strategies. The National Trade Union Congress promoted investors and eliminated any corrupt leaders (Sim, Ong, Agarwal, Parsa & Keivani, 2003).  
The effective control of corruption in Singapore’s public and private sectors also contributed to its development. Under Lee’s leadership, corrupt leaders were identified and removed from public office; hence, reducing the number of loopholes where public funds were used for self-interests. Currently, Singapore is the 3rd least corrupt country in the world, leading to perfect service delivery in the public sector (The World Bank, 2020). An effective public bureaucracy also ensured effective service delivery for both local and foreign inve...
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