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Public Opinion, Political Parties, Interest Groups And Political Socialization Within American Society

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Public opinion, political parties, interest groups and political socialization within American society
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Public opinion, political parties, interest groups and political socialization within American society
American society is referred to as one of the most developed political economies democratically of the modern times. To this effect there are many factors that differentiate the American political economy from other societies. For instance, the choices made by the American people through their electorates is reflection of what they want and is characterized by the people’s intensity in what they believe in as well as their understanding of the world. There are extents of consensus contained in the American public opinion, political parties and socialization which includes commonality on the lawfulness of the government, democracy, liberty and equality of opportunities (Dalton 2013). This paper discusses the public opinion, political parties, interest groups and political socialization within American society.
Political opinion
Political opinion refers to how the citizens of a country perceive events and institutions, leadership styles of political leaders and various political issues. The members of Congress, as well as presidents or even the Supreme Court, normally take into consideration the public opinion in how they conduct governance and the implementation of policies. As such, the standards through which the strength of the democracy of American people such as the influence, development, and origins of the public opinion, is a critical concern of the present day political science. Furthermore, there are certain areas where the public holds a difference in opinion upon political matters and the people show their various opinions through individual communication to the holders of the public offices, the vote as well as public statements and writings (Dalton 2013).
A person’s perception about politics is mostly influenced by basic values which are deeply rooted and are a reflection of already proven norms of the community. Moreover, a person’s opinion concerning policy and politics are seated partially in individual interest which comprises of interest in social status and economic interests among others. The liberals are the people who are in great support of social and political reforms in areas such as consumer rights, ecological concerns, determination towards improvement for women and the minorities as well as the poor, broad government intervention in the economy and the federal social services.
Conversely, the conservatives are more likely to support the prevailing status quo in social and economic spheres. Also, most of them hold the public opinion of supporting smaller governments, great advocates of maintained power of the American military, the opposition to abortion, opposition to business regulation policies and advocators of school prayer (Quintelier, 2015). In the measurement of the public opinions, politicians use the parameters of counting crowds, evaluating applause or even one to one interaction with the citizens. Nevertheless, present-day politicians apply the use of opinion polls heavily t...
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