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Social Sciences
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MGT420 D-3 Social Sciences Essay Research Coursework

Essay Instructions:

The reading by Shearouse (2011) discusses five conflict management styles. Many companies sell conflict style questionnaires for use in organizations. For the first week of this module, try your hand at a free questionnaire. Here is one that allows you to identify your own conflict management style based on five styles similar to those discussed in Shearouse (2011):
Report your rating as well as your general impressions about the usefulness of this questionnaire. Were you surprised by the results? Do you think the results are accurate? Would the questionnaire be useful for your organization?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Questionnaire as an Effective Style of Conflict Management
Conflict Management Styles
Name of Student
Conflict Management Styles
The Questionnaire
The questionnaire provided seeks to diagnose the main cause of the problem between the warring parties. Therefore, it is an effective style of conflict management. The questionnaire analyzes into details, the possible ways in which the initial normalcy between any parties could return. Through the questionnaire, the company can identify an employee’s natural self and what things offend them. By so doing, the employees get to understand each other hence avoid what factors could lead to problems among them. The questionnaire has enabled me to develop my alternative way of conflict management- Collaboration.
Collaboration as a Style of Conflict Management
Conflicts could be normal or natural in any workplace. However, c...
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