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Colonial America--a pluralist society History Essay

Essay Instructions:

To what extent can we call colonial America a pluralist society? Do you think this varied by region? Do you think this changed over time?
Content:You should base your argument on the primary sources in Foner, Voices of Freedom, Give me Liberty!, and lecture. You should draw most from the Voices of Freedom, while using Give Me Libery!and lecture for context.Do not use any outside sources for this paper. You will be docked points if you use outside sources.


History 17A Summer 2020 First Paper Topic: Topic: To what extent can we call colonial America a pluralist society? Do you think this varied by region? Do you think this changed over time? Writing the Paper Content: You should base your argument on the primary sources in Foner, Voices of Freedom, Give me Liberty!, and lecture. You should draw most from the Voices of Freedom, while using Give Me Libery! and lecture for context. Do not use any outside sources for this paper. You will be docked points if you use outside sources. Length: Your paper should be four pages. This is a maximum, not a minimum. Although grader may choose to read more than 4 pp. if you exceed the maximum length, they are only obligated to read the first 4 pp. of your paper. Style: This is an academic, analytical essay. This means that your paper must have a welldefined argument. You should also support it with relevant references to the reading. You cannot address every facet of these questions, nor can you recount every example. You will have to choose the best examples that support your argument. If you have questions regarding the style of a history essay, please ask me during my office hours. Plagiarism and Other Academic Integrity and Misconduct: All of us at UC Davis take academic misconduct seriously. This includes me, my colleagues, the Teaching Assistants, your fellow classmates—everyone. It should also include you. I expect you to adhere to honor the principles of academic integrity laid out by Student Judicial Affairs. (You can find them at Moreover, it is your responsibility to avoid plagiarism. Trying to pass another person’s work off as your own is intellectual theft. It’s dishonest and prevents you from learning the material yourself. Always be sure to give proper credit to other authors when you draw upon their words or ideas. When in doubt, cite! I have uploaded the handout on plagiarism from SJA to our course Canvas Page. You can also find it at If you have any questions, be sure to ask me or one of your TAs. Citation style: You should follow the Chicago Manual of Style. If you have questions about Chicago Style, you can refer to the online reference guide: I have also covered some relevant sections of the Chicago Manual of Style in the Writing Guide to help you cite items correctly. Points will be deducted if you fail to use the correct citation style. History 17A First Paper Topic Summer 2020 2 Due Date: Papers are due at the beginning of class. Papers handed in after class will start to accrue late penalties, regarding on when they are handed in, according to this schedule: Handed in by 10:10 am, July 6—No Penalty! Handed in from 10:11 am-11:59pm, July 6—Half-letter grade deduction Handed in from 12:00am-11:59pm, July 7—Full grade deduction Handed in from 12:00am-11:59pm, July 8—One and a half grade deduction Papers penalized an additional half letter grade for each subsequent day. Electronic Submission: You should submit this paper via Canvas.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Freedom of Religious Expression
HIS 17A Paper 1
Colonial America is a pluralist society because of its inclusion of and accommodation to different races, cultural values, and religions that would co-exist with one another. Ideally, there is understanding and respect amidst diversity, and there is also an unwavering acceptance of different ideas without igniting conflicts. The United States of America comprises of multiple variations. There are different races, religions, and ethnicities. This truth can be rooted in its history. Migration can be a reason as to why a diversely cultural society has been formed in the United States. During the past, emigrants entered Colonial America, either being servants or slaves. With this cultural mix-up, several ideas and practices are being brought into America. This paper aims to determine the extent of social pluralism that has existed in the era of colonization in America. Also, the author seeks to identify any existing regional variations in this extent of pluralism.
The Extent of Pluralism in Colonial America
In Colonial America, there are precise shreds of evidence of disparities in terms of culture, including race, religion, politics, and economy. Even equality in terms of several aspects was not introduced to the people by the British colonists. This premise includes sexual fairness, economic justice, and freedom, as well as racial equality.[Eric Foner, Give Me Liberty! An American History, 15.]
There was a mass movement of slaves from Africa with the advancement of the transatlantic economy. In contrast, others moved from Scotland or Ireland in pursuit of green pastures in colonial America because of their poverty-stricken homelands. As a consequence, its numbers grew caused by an increase in births. Most of the slaves came from different regions and ethnicities in Africa who involved in various crops, including rice, sugar, and tobacco farmlands. Things considered, the seventeenth century witnessed British immigration into Colonial America because of religious oppression and a struggling economy in their land of origin. They chose to go to Colonial America in pursuit of its pluralistic nature. During the colonial period, particularly in the year 1646, there was an agreement presented to the council of the army. This presentation was an agreement that aimed to seek religious freedom. Also, this would find equality among all. This agreement aimed to fight for the people’s right to freedom, with the disregard of any social class to enjoy a sense of liberty.[Eric Foner, Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, 65.] [Eric Foner, Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, 28.] [Eric Foner, Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, 42-43.]
Furthermore, Maryland has promulgated an act that prohibits the harassment of religious believers. This act is known as the Maryland Act Concerning Religion. As per the statute, anyone who frightened or distressed any person related to religion would face punishment, thereby encouraging freedom of faith within the colony. In New England, people there viewed the creation of fortune as more essential than spiritual growth. But that was not the situation with the Middle Colonies like New York, New Jersey, Pennsylva...
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