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Essay Instructions:
I need a Summary/respons essay for an article that I will send you. I need the essay to agree with the writer and use use the reflecting methode
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(22, October, 2010)
The essay is a summery or response to the article written by Laudan titled “In Praise of Fast Food” The article notes that modern, fast processed food is a disaster as conveyed in mass media, but not the case always when we evaluate the benefit brought about by the same.
From the onset, it is noted that those efforts that tend to counter fast food is nothing but lack of appreciation. It demeans the efforts of agronomists and home economists (Laudan, 2010, 37). Culinary Luddites style is widely adopted; this was instigated by those who campaigned against industrialized foods. The argument was that the machines destroyed the way they were living. Laudan adopted this style of cooking after reading Elizabeth David books (Laudan, 2010, 37).
The article notes that the campaign is not only targeting taste of the foods but something else. Laudan does not agree with what the group advocate for, this is because there are clear distinction between the past and present. Our forefathers considered natural to be something horrible. To them, natural things had a bad test, unreliable and a lot of work was involved in making food edible.
According to Laudan, 2010, 37, the efforts made by those after our ancestors ensured that food tasted good, were healthy, safe and easy to digest as well as ensuring that food reliability is enhanced. Eating fresh and natural food was seen as being uncivilized. Soldiers, shepherds, hunters among others needed foodstuffs that could be consumed very fast and of course far from homes (Laudan, 2010, 37). The best food indeed is those eaten by those living in the urban and not country side noted Laudan. Fast food as suggested by Laudan has brought relieve to both women and men as they can have choices other than engaging in activities in the field and cooking.
Our cooking style indeed aggravates toxin and carcinogens that exist in plants. The present generation is healthier than our ancestors and they have longer life expectancy. It was in mid 20th centaury that the first fast food came to existence in Italy (Laudan, 2010,38). The author notes that although fast food is advantageous, it is associated with some drawbacks. This he suggests should not deter us from demanding high quality food. He adds that what needs to be done is to develop an all encompassing ethos about this issue.
In my own opinion, the campaigners against fast food indeed have something else other than the food; I believe they are propelled politically and amorally. In line with the author, the efforts of these campaigners is total lack of appreciating what new technology has to offer as well as innovations of agronomists and home economists. I also hold the opinion brought forth by the author that most of us have embraced a cooking style that has been advocated by these crusaders against fast food (Laudan, 2010,37).
Additionally, there is clear distinction from the past and at present; for instance in the past, there were no innovation to help process food and pre...
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