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Critiquing A Work Based on Theme

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This assignment will provide practice to critique your work, and to refine and add any missing elements.


a 350- to 700-word critique of your Week 3 memoir assignment. You may refer to your reflection on that assignment to craft your response. Refer to pp.164-169 of Crafting Truth for an example.

Include the following:

  • Identify the central theme (or thesis) of your original assignment. Is this theme appropriately touched on in both the introduction and conclusion? If multiple themes exist, how can they be either unified or pruned down to a single, strong theme or thesis?

  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement in your original draft. Identify at least two major areas of concern in your first rough draft, and ask, if you wish, a classmate for suggestions for improving them

  • Discuss the challenges inherent in self-critiquing a draft of one's own words.

Discuss how your intended revisions will address areas in the original draft most in need of improvement and how they will unify the assignment around the strong central theme or thesis. Offer areas to be revised.


Format your paper consistent with MLA guidelines.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:
Wk. 5 – Critique
The theme of my original assignment was drunk driving. This theme is touched on appropriately in the introduction. I introduce the reader by giving a first-hand account of my experience in a car driven by a drunk driver. It provides the reader with a good understanding of what my memoir is about. However, the theme is not appropriately touched in my conclusion. In this part, I only talk about my re-awakening from sleep and my decision not to use the car service ever again. This is despite the driver’s apology. I could have touched more on the theme here. For instance, I could have included a discussion with the driver on drunk driving. I could have talked about how dangerous it was for someone to be driving while intoxicated. Even though I did not make this apparent to the driver in real life, I could have talked about it to ensure I give the reader my view on drunk driving. I should have noted that it is unacceptable behavior in anyone.
Strengths in my original assignment are in my memoir. I manage to tell my story in a short but elaborate way. The reader gets to feel what I went through on that day. Still, it would have been better felt if the memoir was longer. This would allow me to detail the trauma and how I was pleased to wake up from a dream. Another area of improvement would be in the reflection. In the last paragraph, I talk about how difficult it is to relive one’s memories. ...
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