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Assessing America’s Termination of the Afghanistan War

Essay Instructions:

Provide a 300 word response to your instructor-assigned question. 

QUESTION: The American withdrawal from Afghanistan has forced military strategists and politicians into a reassessment of U.S. efforts there.  Please look over the provided document (found below) and, in light of the document and the readings in Lesson 7, assess whether the termination of war was successful or unsuccessful. What were the structural or major issues in the defense and interagency establishment that led to this outcome? 

Justify and support your answer using your experience and source support from the assigned readings.


You must use 3 sources and at least 1-2 sources from class readings.


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Assessing America’s Termination of the Afghanistan War
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Assessing America’s Termination of the Afghanistan War

In a White House Statement released on 31st August 2021, President Biden said that America “no longer had a clear purpose in an open-ended mission in Afghanistan” (The White House, “Remarks by President Biden…”, 2021). This statement highlights the dangers of getting into a war without a clear understanding of how the conflict could be terminated. Flavin (2003, 95) wrote that getting into a conflict is always easier than getting out of one. If anything, the president’s words suggest that the termination of the war was unsuccessful.

The key areas that made it unsuccessful 

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