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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Visual & Performing Arts
Movie Review
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Urban Bush Women

Movie Review Instructions:

Art performance review: Urban Bush Women

Art performance Review: Urban Bush Women

More information can be founded by Google and YouTube.

The performance is named Urban Bush Women

Be sure to read over the information in the Writing Reviews module on Canvas.

I recommend that you make notes of your initial thoughts and reactions while the performance is still fresh in your mind.  Don't let too much time pass before you begin to think critically about the event.

  • Your review should be in the form of a five-paragraph persuasive essay and should include an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  • While there is no official review length requirement, these review assignments should be at least roughly 400-600 words in length or more. 

  • If you choose to use outside sources in order to strengthen your opinions and positions, be sure to cite them properly.

  • Please double-space your reviews.

  • Be sure to include your name in an assignment heading.

  • Upload your review as a .docx, .doc, .pdf.

Review Rubric

Introduction: Hook

The introductory sentence grabs the reader’s attention.

Introduction: Event Details

The introductory paragraph contains information about the name, time, and location of the performance being reviewed.

Introduction: Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is an argument (not merely an indisputable statement of fact), and it is clearly and concisely stated.

Introduction: Outline

The introduction contains a sentence (or sentences) that preview(s) the three main points that will be used to support the thesis statement.

Body Paragraph #1: Topic Sentence

The topic sentence clearly states the first main point used to support the thesis statement.

Body Paragraph #1: Evidence

The main point is supported with at least two specific, detailed examples from the performance.

Body Paragraph #2: Topic Sentence

The topic sentence clearly states the second main point used to support the thesis statement

Body Paragraph #2: Evidence

The main point is supported with at least two specific, detailed examples from the performance.

Body Paragraph #3: Topic Sentence

The topic sentence clearly states the third main point used to support the thesis statement (responding to specific paragraph #3 prompt)

Body Paragraph #3: Evidence

The main point is supported with at least two specific, detailed examples that respond to the specific prompt available on the "Content & Structure" page in the Writing Reviews module


The concluding paragraph restates the thesis statement and main arguments and brings the review to an effective close.

Overall: Mechanics

The review is free of errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Overall: Style

The review utilizes smooth transitions, effective use of language, and an appropriate essay structure.

If your assignment isn't a review of the performance, it can not earn a good grade. Each of your review assignments should give your opinion of the performance and then support that opinion with specific, detailed information from the performance. 

Try not to make the assignments more complicated than they are. The assignment is simply asking you to give your opinion of the performance based on your own experience and to give specific examples from the performance that explain your opinion.

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:

Art performance review: Urban Bush Women
In the performances by the Urban Bush Women, which is a dance troupe there is singing, text, storytelling with dance incorporated to tell the stories that are mostly absent in the mainstream. While the troupe focuses on black women experiences the movements are also linked to the wider African American experience Urban Bush Women performed Hair & Other Stories at the Eisenhower Auditorium of Penn State on March 14, 2019, 7:30 pm. the performance integrates dance, narration, songs and movement to delve into the intersection of race and gender as is related to black women experiences and the cultural relevance of dance.
The performances connect different elements with stories to highlight the perspectives and ideas about the lived experiences of black women and the self. For instance, hair and other stories focus on conversations that people need to talk about and conversations that people are talking. Telling untold stories and using dance movements to highlight the creators’ ideas that art can be a catalyst of change and movement of the body communicates ideas (Gonzalez, 2004). The performances are connected to stories, text, music and dance. The dance moves follow different aesthetics than ballet even as some dancers have prior experience with ballet, and while some of the maneuverings are difficult the dancers manage present a unique performance that incorporate commentary on the experience of blacks.
Urban Bush Women integrate narration in the music movement and mainly targets female audience participation helping the women tell their own stories. The dance troupe members are mostly female and the choice of subject as the body and hair are themes...
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