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Movie Review
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Reflection Paper: Padmaavat

Movie Review Instructions:

Reflection Paper Instructions


Having watched the film Padmaavat (2018), please answer the questions that follow. If you were not in class the film may be found on Amazon Prime. Your paper should not exceed 3 pages under any circumstances and should be double spaced (that does not mean minimum half a page). Please use a size 12 font and do not use any fonts other than Times New Roman or Garamond. You don’t need to answer these questions in order or even one by one; you may very well put them into one comprehensive answer. However, you do need to answer all of them. Support all your answers with examples from the film and the Ramayana when appropriate.

Attach it as a word document on Blackboard under Discussion Board where you will find a thread called Reflection Paper. Post your papers there. If you email me your paper it will not be graded. Your paper is due October 7th.


The later addition to the Ramayana, the Uttara Kanda, proposes the idea than morality on a personal level should be sacrificed in favor of morality on a social one. The epic Padmaavat (which your film is based on) on the other hand shows a king who is willing to let his kingdom come to ruin, rather than sacrifice some personal integrity and kill Alauddin when he has the chance because he is alone, helpless or unarmed.

  1. While it can be argued that Maharawal Ratan Singh acts like an ideal human throughout the course of the film, does he act like an ideal ruler? And even then, can you call someone an ideal man when he willingly brings about the downfall of his entire kingdom just because he stubbornly holds on to a set of moral principles? Is it ethical to always be ethical? It can be argued that any time one abandons their principles they lose a bit of themselves, is this type of sacrifice worth doing for the greater good?

  2. Being moral on a personal level and being so on a social one are not necessarily the same thing. When these two come into conflict, which should you choose?

  3. Honoring your principles and treating others with unwavering morality is an admirable feat, but when faced with an adversary who does not share your principles and resorts to deceit, immorality and treachery, should he be afforded this type of just treatment?

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Movie Review Sample Content Preview:
Reflection Paper
While it can be argued that Maharawal Ratan Singh acts like an ideal human throughout the course of the film, does he act like an ideal ruler?
Maharawal Ratan Singh excels at being an ideal human but fails at being an ideal ruler. An ideal ruler is willing to accept compromises to safeguard the interest of his or her people. Maharawal Singh fails in doing so because he chooses his principles over the lives and freedom of his people. He is selfish in failing to protect his people from a tyrant. As a ruler, you are the representative of the people. You are the person who should be willing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your people. So, if it means abandoning your principles at one point, you have to do it. You will live the rest of your life, knowing that the moral sacrifice you made was for the sake of your people. They, too, will know it and will forever be grateful.
And even then, can you call someone an ideal man when he willingly brings about the downfall of his entire kingdom just because he stubbornly holds on to a set of moral principles?
Even if he sticks to his moral principles, I would not call Maharawal Singh an ideal man. He is more than an ordinary man. He is the ruler of a kingdom. Therefore, he should always put the interests of his people before his. As an ideal man, he should recognize this. It is similar to being the head of the family. As a man, you should learn to deny yourself whatever you want to ensure your family has what it needs. Maharawal Singh fails in this way as a man. But in his case, he fails because he does not deny himself what he wants in favor of what his people want.
Is it ethical to always be ethical?
It is ethical always to be ethical. That is the essence of ethics. Without ethics, many things would go unchecked. However, when situations arise where ethics no longer matter, it is advisable to seek out the common good. For instance, in&nbs...
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