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Movie Review: Alexandra (2008), Aleksandr Sokurov

Movie Review Instructions:

How does the filmmaker construct his film's main protagonist? What may be the symbolic significance of the figure of Alexandra in Sokurov's picture?

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Movie Review: Alexandra Sokurov by Alexandra 2008
The film, “Alexandra” by Alexander Sokurov gives a military life in dramatic episodes where the protagonist Alexandra visits her grandson Denis in Army barracks in the Republic of Chechnya. The film-cast gives a protagonist's perspective on military life as an observer. She notes the absence of women and the blind acceptance of various amenities. Alexandra expresses her emotions with amazement after arriving at the new world with aliens that she has never experienced. Alexander Sokurov builds his film around Alexandra using character arc, an aspect of illumination through other characters and use of the protagonist as a symbol. The present review on film “Alexandra” elaborates on how Sokurov builds the protagonist the symbolic significance of Alexandra.
Sokurov reveals both the inner and outer desire of Alexandra. During the journey to visit her grandson in Chechnya, Alexandra experiences a lot in the military base as well as the market environment. At the start of her trip, Alexandra is hopeful and anticipates that her grandson Denis lives a good life at the barracks (Paladino Alexandra 2007). However, she finds the opposite. Denis is frequently on duty, and her grandmother finds the life strange without women. Later, she proposes to find a wife for her grandson Denis. In the episode, the author reveals Alexandra as a person who desires a better life for her grandson and even the soldiers in the barracks. Alexandra is a brave character who dares the soldiers at the gate and visits the marketplace in Chechnya (Paladino Alexandra 2007).
Separately, Sokurov reveals the protagonist in the film through the use of illumination aspect by other characters. During her visit to the market in Chechnya, Alexandra meets Malika a citizen of Chechnya when she is strolling in the market. Besides, she has to find a cigarette and biscuits for the boy soldiers in the barracks. Irrespective of her age, she accepts to deliver the items to the soldiers who are younger. Secondly, Alexandra is friendly to Malika and offers her dress upon her return visit to the market. However, the residents of the market are hateful and give her a cold reception with a grim expression indicating that they hated Russians (Condee 1).
Alexandra as a character is symbolic of a good life full of happiness and family ties that is opposite to the dead zone, a cheerless life that her grandson and other soldiers as well as the people of Chechnya miss (Paladino).
Comparison of "Prison of the Mountain" and "Alexandra"
A comparison of the Russian-Chechen encounters in “Prison of the Mountains” and "Alexandra" reveals similarities in perspectives of the filmmaker on the Russian engagement in the war with Chechnya. The "prisoner of the Mountain" elaborates the conflict cultures between Chechen and the Russians as well as the futility of the war. Sasha and Vanya are taken captives by the rebels in the Caucasus Mountains and are alive because Abdul Murat needs to organize a trade for his son who is captured by the Russians. Sasha organizes an escape plan while Vanya falls in love with the Dina (Youngblood 1). The prisoners escape for awhile then re-...
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