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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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Literature & Language
Movie Review
English (U.S.)
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The Glass Menagerie: Does Jim help or hurt Laura's cause or both?

Movie Review Instructions:

The essay is written about the film The Glass Menagerie. Please write on a selected topic and carefully follow the directions from the attached files. The part that use the textbook Litetature: A portable Anthology (p. 921-975) asks u to format any quotes with the title of the drama the glass menagerie and then followed by the page number ( ). You do not need to do that part if u don't have access to the book, however do write on the select topic and follow the directions from the attached files carefully. It is ok if u can complete the order without using quotes and write on the topic. Hopefully I can relate a couple quotes from the book myself. Unless he or she can connect good quotes from the picture files of the text I was able to upload. If not just do order without quote and answer the topic and write the essay.

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:
Review: The Glass Menagerie: Does Jim help or hurt Laura's cause or both ?
Amanda Wingfield invites Jim O'Connor to her home with the hope that he would connect with her daughter Laura, but this is merely a wish as she does not completely get out of her shell. Laura was physically challenged and reclusive, and although Amanda had best intentions the planned visit fails when both Amanda and Laura learn that he was engaged. Laura is fixated with the past, while asking Jim if he had continued singing after high school. Jim helps and hurts Laura at the same time, by allowing her to reminisce about her past, while allowing her to look in the future
Jim is the gentleman caller in the story, and it is only when he is at the house that Laura takes a look back at her high school experiences, which were not that great, but she still finds something to talk about with Jim. Additionally, both Jim and Amanda dance for a comment despite, Laura's protests that she would not do this. Laura had an emotional connection to Jim, who recognised that lack of confidence was holding her back. At the same time, her cherished unicorn is broken during the dance, and she surprisingly does not get upset and it is like a blessing in disguise as the horse no longer looks freakish.
Even though, Jim does not wish to continue with his acquaintance with Laura, he recognized that she was different, but so is everyone else. This allows Laura to look more inwards to r...
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