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Movie Review
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Charlie Chaplin’s movie ‘Modern Times’ journal

Movie Review Instructions:

Please write a journal after watch Charlie Chaplin’ movie ‘Modern Times’ . Pick a clips of the movie and write something about what does the author want to express about this movie clip. What is your opinion about the clip.
Please use the most easily grammer and words. The professor doesn’t care about grammer and words.

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:
Review of Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times
Though several movies can be termed as timeless, it is only a few that have the ability to draw audiences decades after their release. This is one of the features of the Charlie Chaplin’s movies. Released in January of 1931, Modern Times is a fable that depicts automation, assembly lines as well as the enslavement of humankind by machines. Produced, composed as well as directed by Chaplin, who also stars in it, the movie is pretty much a one-man picture. The movie also stars Henry Bergman, Paulette Goddard, Chester Conklin, and Tiny Sandford. Sound had recently been introduced and is incorporated in the movie without disrupting the comedy. On top of the various themes depicted, the movie is undoubtedly funny in a wholesome way. All the comical turns and twists represent a legitimate real-life situation, making the movie more relatable. The 87-minute movie follows the life of a worker in an assembly line who has been alienated by ‘modern’ progress but struggles to land another job. Produced on a $1.5 million budget, the movie was chosen for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry in 1989 due to its cultural significance (Balio). It was also screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 2003.
Little Tramp, Charlie’s iconic character, struggles to make a living in an industrialized and modern world. This is in reflection of the difficulties that people encountered during the period of the Great Depression. The movie seems to insinuate that these difficulties were caused by the modern industrialization. As an assemb...
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