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Module 2 Discussion Education Research Paper Essay

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Respond to a questions.
You only need to use chapter 3.

Module 2 Discussion

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Please post your response to the question below and respond to two of your classmates' posts by the deadline.

Of the language learning theories discussed in this chapter, which one do you most agree with? Why is it important to go beyond methods and approaches presented in Chapter 3 and develop your own personal approach to teaching ELLs? What are some of the core principles you would draw on to inform your personal approach?

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Module 2 Discussion
Module 2 Discussion
I mostly agree with the sociocultural language learning theory because unlike the cognitive theory, this theory allows teachers to understand the language needs of their students by focusing on the social context (Wright, n.d.). It pays attention to cultural differences between learners, and as such, teachers can be able to focus on individual student and give them customized instructions. Globalization has influenced the education system, making cultural sensitive a necessity, especially when teaching ELLs. The sociocultural theory allows teachers to understand that language learning and development is not only influenced by individual factors but also cultural factors. The theory acknowledges that language learning is influenced by social interactions and the environment in which we interact.
It is important to go beyond the methods and approaches presented in chapter three when t...
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