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Spirit of Inquiry Reflection: The Use of e-Cigarettes

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The Spirit of Inquiry encourages students to develop a curiosity for using the evidence to support their practice. It is a persistent state of curiosity that informs by asking questions, challenging current standards of practice by searching for creative ways to solve problems. A Spirit of Inquiry (SOI) is usually sparked from within by information that you may not have known, information that resonated with you or information that made you reflect on your practice… all of which motivated an in-depth search for answers to your question(s).
Assignment Guidelines for the Spirit of Inquiry Reflection Paper are attached. The Guidelines include a sample assignment. Please be sure to review the guidelines carefully before completing your reflection paper.
Please note:
ReQLI's are not assigned for Modules when SOI Reflection is required.
SOI Reflections submitted at the END of a Module Discussion, unlike ReQLI's
SOI Reflection topics should be related to the module discussions ONLY!!
Although this assignment is due near the end of the module discussion, students should begin preparing their paper earlier in the discussion period. There is a short window between the end of the discussion and the assignment due date.
Assignment Guidelines for Discussions are not changed!!
Read Assignment Guidelines and Grading Rubric carefully PRIOR to drafting and submitting your paper.
Please be reminded that you should be planning your SOI Reflections throughout the module discussion!!
A brief description of the components of the SOI Reflection are listed below (full details are in the Assignment Guidelines):
S1 – Surprising: Discuss two key points from the discussion that you did not know or had forgotten;
S2 – Salient: Discuss two key points that are most notable or important to you and your practice in school nursing (one for each surprising key points noted in your journal);
S3 – Self-Reflective: Reflect on two key points (takeaways) that you learned about yourself and/or your practice from the discussion. This could be applied to an applicable experience you’ve had, or simply be related to the points themselves.
S4 – Spirit of Inquiry: Consider the three sections you've discussed in your journal entry, which of area has interested you, or sparked your spirit of inquiry, and is motivating you to explore the topic in more detail?
The SOI Reflection Assignment Guidelines with sample reflection are attached. Please be sure to read the guidelines and sample paper thoroughly!
**Students should not wait until the end of the discussion board to begin preparing their Spirit of Inquiry Journal entry since there is only 24 hours between the end of the discussion and the SOI due date.
Grading rubric
This item is graded with a rubric
1 attempt left
Originality Report
SafeAssign enabled
Maximum points
25 points
Reflective Practice and Flipped Learning
Reflection is the process of reviewing our experiences to gain a better understanding of events that occurred. We reflect all the time; however, we may express this action as “thinking about something that happened”. Reflecting provides the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. Some respond to reflection with confirmation that all went well, and other reflections can elicit a change in behavior. When used in education, this concept is known as reflective learning. Reflective learning is the process of learning from our experiences as we rethink or reconsider the experience as it occurred. Reflective practice encompasses each part, reflecting on experiences, learning from them and finally, taking action to implement positive change in our nursing practice.
The Flipped Learning model deliberately shifts instruction to a learner-centered approach, where in- class time is dedicated to exploring topics in greater depth and creating rich learning opportunities. As a result, students are actively involved in knowledge construction as they participate in and evaluate their learning in a manner that is personally meaningful. The combining of Reflective Practice and Flipped Learning is a powerful method of student empowerment in their professional growth.
Purpose of This Assignment
The Spirit of Inquiry (SOI) paper is a carefully constructed one-page paper designed to:
ü Encourage the student to utilize the reflective process to strengthen their learning through practice;
ü Promote students’ use of active reading strategies to contribute to the reflective process.
ü Enhance students’ ability to reflect on, synthesize, and integrate the research process into their learning;
ü Serve as a summative assessment measure which provides evidence of students’ reading and synthesis of assigned course material and active participation in discussion board activities.
ü Serve as a formative assessment process wherein the instructor may respond to students’ reflections in a confidential manner;
ü Facilitate personalized learning which ü addresses students’ distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, and cultural backgrounds through the use of reflective practice; Encourage professional growth and development and empower the student to consider the engagement in research to advance the science of nursing in the school nursing specialty.
Spirit of Inquiry Assignment Guidelines
For comprehensive learning and understanding of weekly content, students are expected to read ALL assigned readings each week, including journal articles identified in the Syllabus Schedule. The SOI Reflection paper is structured to be completed at the end of a module, after the completion of the discussion board. Students are to participate in discussion board activities for the week as assigned while reading and reflecting on all discussion board content within the module. Students should not wait until the end of the discussion board to begin preparing their SOI reflections as there is only 24 hours between the end of the discussion and the SOI due date. SOI reflective papers are private between the student and the course professor and are not intended to share with the class as are the ReQLI questions. Feedback on aspects of the SOI reflection will be provided to each student individually directly within the assignment.
*There is no reference required for this assignment being that it is a reflection paper*
The SOI reflection assignment is submitted after participating in the assigned module discussion. At the end of the module, the SOI reflection is prepared and is based on four concepts that are involved in the reflective process. The components of the SOI are as follows:
S1 - Surprising:
ü Discuss two key points from the discussion (or assigned reading) that you did not know or had forgotten.
ü It could be something that causes great concern regarding school nursing practice; however, it should not be a critique of the textbook or assigned readings (if the assignment specifies as such).
S2 – Salient:
ü Discuss two key points that are most notable or important to you and your practice in school nursing (one for each of the surprising key points noted above).
ü If the student is not yet a school nurse, select two key points from the discussion that you found to be most noticeable or important regarding school nursing practice.
ü Salient points should reflect thoughtful consideration of the two key surprising points as they impact school nursing practice.
S3 – Self-Reflective:
ü Should reflect two key points (takeaways) that you learned about yourself and/or your practice from the discussion. This could be applied to an applicable experience you’ve had, or simply be related to the points themselves.
ü Must be sufficient to reflect that you read your classmates responses to the discussion questions and reflected on the topic within that discussion.
ü Must be in your own words. Quotations from the text are not acceptable as they do not reflect your own thoughts, engagement in the reflective process for learning and growth in professional practice or serve the purpose of this assignment.
S4 – Spirit of Inquiry:
ü Based on review of the previous three sections, students are to identify a key point/topic/area of interest that they would like to explore/research further.
ü Ideally, this is something that is controversial or in conflict with the discussion and or module readings.
ü May relate to scope of practice, overall responsibilities, policy development or other considerations not noted in the discussion/readings.
ü Must be in your own words. Quotations from other student submissions or from any text are not acceptable as this is a reflective assignment.
Assignment Writing Guidelines
1. The SOI Reflection must be constructed in Microsoft Word Document (any version); Not in WordPad or Pdf, etc.;
2. The SOI should be a minimum of one full page.
3. The SOI should include a bulleted format that includes each of the four content areas of the assignment in narrative form (Surprising, Salient, Self-Reflective, Spirit of Inquiry). Please see sample entry for correct formatting.
4. Submit a meaningful SOI paper! Provide thoughtful content so it is evident that you truly reflected on the readings and discussion within the module.
5. Proofread for spelling, grammar & punctuation prior to submitting.
Submission Guidelines
1. Identify your SOI reflection paper by titling both the Word document (on your computer) and Subject Line in the drop box with your name and the correct SOI module. For example: Ephraim SOI Mod II
2. SOI reflection papers should indicate the Module# and SOI # as a part of the heading as indicated in the sample on the last page of the guidelines document. For example: Module IV; SOI# 1 or Module VII; SOI #3.
3. SOI reflection papers must be submitted as an attachment to the appropriate Assignment Drop Box by the due date indicated. Do not post them in a text box as feedback is difficult to provide in that format.
4. SOI reflection papers should be submitted at the end of the module according to the due date. Journal entries should not be submitted earlier than the initial question is answered and an appropriate response from a second student is posted.
5. SOI reflection papers will be submitted through SafeAssign for plagiarism review to ensure that they are written using your own words. They must meet a 10% or less similarity requirement. The similarity is only acceptable in relation to the commonalities for each student submission and includes the words” Module, Surprising, Salient, Self-Reflective, and Spirit of Inquiry”. The prose should be original content.
*Grading Rubrics are available in the assignment area in Blackboard. Read the SOI Grading Rubric prior to starting your SOI to see the value assigned to each aspect.
**See Example SOI Reflection Assignment on next page**

Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
Spirit of Inquiry Reflection
* I had forgotten how easy it is for students to access e-cigarettes, even though their sale to underage youths is illegal. What is more concerning is how easy it is to mask the odor because of the flavor in e-cigarettes.
* I also found it surprising that e-cigarettes are a gateway drug contributing to marijuana, alcohol, and other substance abuse. E-cigarettes have always been advertised as safer and helpful in smoking cessation. Given the positive publicity they have received, it is hard to imagine that they can lead to addiction.
* What was notable about the first point is how many students can be using e-cigarettes without being noticed. School nurses have to be more vigilant concerning e-cigarette use. By being alert, school nurses can identify students using e-cigarettes and provide them with the necessary support to prevent addicti...
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