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British Efforts and Colonies During the Seven Years War

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How do British efforts to regulate the colonies during the Seven Years’ War and tax them after it lead to a war for liberty and independence? Topics to consider include tensions between colonists and the
British during the Seven Years' War, British attempts to tax the colonies and their response, expanding political participation and demands for rights, and the Declaration of Independence. (Weeks 9-10)
How was the institution of slavery an issue of debate at the Constitution convention?  How were these debates resolved and slavery made a part of the US Constitution? (Week 11)
How does the increased demand for cotton transform the lives of slaves in America?  Topics to consider include the rising demand for cotton, the internal slave trade, the labor of field slaves and house slaves, punishments slaves faced, the particular traumas that slave women faced and the forms of resistance in which slaves engaged. (Weeks 12-13)
Discuss the developing divisions between the North and the South that lead to the Civil War.  What role does the issue of slavery play in these divisions?  Issues that may be included are religion and abolitionism, David Walker, Nat Turner, the transformation of opposition to slavery from a religious moral reform movement to a political anti-slavery movement, the issue of slavery in the territories, the northern view of the South, and the southern view of the North (Week 14, 16)
What impact does industrialization have upon American society? (Week 15)
Who does the Emancipation Proclamation free?  What role do African Americans play in achieving their freedom? (Week 17)




Other (Not Listed) Sample Content Preview:
History 7
Final Review
Fall 2016
1 How do British efforts to regulate the colonies during the Seven Years’ War and tax them after it lead to a war for liberty and independence? Topics to consider include tensions between colonists and the British during the Seven Years' War, British attempts to tax the colonies and their response, expanding political participation and demands for rights, and the Declaration of Independence. (Weeks 9-10)
after what is commonly referred to as the sever years’ war, the Great Britain national debt was soaring uncontrollably at 122 million and the interests on the same was above the 4.4 million mark. Even after acquiring Canada from France, there challenges from the Indian tribes. At the same time there were conflicts between the settlers and the land speculators such as George Washington. To raise the money and clear the debt owed, Britain needed to establish better control of the colonies. One of the first attempts was the introduction of the Sugar Act of the year 176, which taxed molasses. This did not have much effect on the colonies and created further conflict, which preempted the enactment of the Stamp Act, which was in effect to collect the monies that would be used to clear the debt.
2 How was the institution of slavery an issue of debate at the Constitution convention? How were these debates resolved and slavery made a part of the US Constitution? (Week 11)
At the convention most of the southern states defended the element of instituting slavery in the constitution relative to the fact that most of their economies were depended in slavery almost entirely. For them, abolishing slavery almost meant that the economies may struggle or collapse. They wanted to ban congress from taxing exports and forbid congress from banning slaves’ importation. Congress agreed not to tax exports and that it would not ban slavery 1808. Later on slaver trade was abolished with the enactment of the 13th Amendment.
3 How does the increased demand for cotton transform the lives of slaves in America? Topics to consider include the rising demand for cotton, the internal slave trade, the labor of field slaves and house slaves, pun...
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