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Human Resources Working For An Organization

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

In Narrative format, please address why you are interested in working for:
1. for the Environmental Protection Agency ( something to focus, but not the only issue, is current issues involving climate change and wanting to be in a position to where the best candidates reviewed to combat this issue)
2. in human resources; and/or
3. in the location of Research Triangle Park, NC

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Human Resources
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Human Resources
Nothing gives satisfaction like working for an organization that transforms the lives of people. Getting an opportunity in such an organization is a lifetime achievement for most individuals. As an individual who is concerned about the environment, my dream is to work in an organization that enables me to make a positive transformation towards the environment. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is one of the organizations that has made efforts towards ensuring that Americans live in a clean environment. I am interested in working for the agency because it offers me the opportunity to join with other individuals in making a positive contribution to the environment.
Over the years, I have been concerned about the effect of human activities on the climate. Global temperatures have gradually increased on the planet which has affected the climatic patterns. There is no doubt that human activities have been a major contributor to the increasing temperatures. The release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere especially CO2 because of the burning of fossil fuels has been a major contributor to global warming. I believe that working at EPA would allow me to contribute to protecting the environment from greenhouse gases due to human activities.
I am aware of the positive contribution the EPA has made for more than 40 years. The agency has been promoting a cleaner and healthier environment for all Americans. For instance, the EPA has cleaned contaminated sites, banned the use of DDT, eliminated lead from gasoline and many more measures to protect the environment. Indeed, the EPA is the place one can work towards having such a positive impact. Working with the agency is an effective way of affecting the whole country and even reaching international communities. It will offer me the opportunity to contribute toward making Americans healthier.
Protecting the environment is critical and should be given a priority. A lot of environmental degradation is irreversible. It will take many years to fix and poses a danger to humans, plants, and animals. The failure to protect the environment increases the chances of losing animals and to extinction and destroying the beautiful habitats. Eventually, this has adverse effects on critical resources like air and water. Environmental organizations like EPA attempt to b...
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