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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
2 Sources
Creative Writing
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English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Real World Application of Analytical and Creative Problem-solving Skills

Other (Not Listed) Instructions:

Business analytics requires a combination of mathematical/quantitative abilities and creative thinking. Describe a project you worked on, either as a student or professional, that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills. Tell us why this project was interesting to you.
Please write 550-600 words for this essay. I will provide information about the project I did as attachments. PDF document includes all contents of the project, and docx document has the description of my role and overview of the project. Thanks.

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With rigorous studies in computer programming and quantitative abilities, I am well-prepared to utilize my abilities in real-world application. Being a quantitative summer analyst in China Asset Management Co. Ltd, I was able to use the combination of mathematical abilities and creative thinking skills. Through the application of these skills, I was able to develop new solutions new solutions and perform tasks that require to be solved mathematically. These two talents were portrayed when I established two stock trading strategies with different characteristics. I was able to research their returns by screening out targets stocks by each model and using a single exponential moving technique, low latency trending line of or market time, and conducted a thorough analysis of the return characteristic of each model.
In addition, I led a team of three to complete replays of two multi-factor stock selection models, coding, and testing. I mastered the use of jointQuant quantitative trading forum that involves using data-based models to determine the chances of specific outcomes from happening, depicting my ability to solve problems creatively. We had a complete model that conducted quantitative trading using historical stock market data within two weeks. The win rate of our high-dividend model is 66.7%, which is very close to the securities model's 67%. Lastly, I collated reviews and back tests of two models with the team into a report and submitted it to the department manager.
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