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Listening Journal: Enrico Caruso On The O Sole Mio

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Please choose two singers of the same voice type (soprano, mezzo, tenor, or bass/baritone) to listen to and compare in your listening journal . it sound be within 1 page so you can just write 4-5 lines for each. all together you will have 3 listening journal.
the attachment has the songs to be used.
if you do not know what a listening journal is please google the definition. thank you.

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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Listening Journal It is interesting to listen to Enrico Caruso on the O Sole Mio. Many of the characteristics of his voice are associated with the fact that he brings out a brilliant tenor. He takes on a rather broad baritone, which is at the expense of the tenor notes and is hard to avoid the high C. however, he comes out quite brilliantly and it is just a delight to listen to him vary his voice minting the notes with such a precision. Beniamino Gigli has a strong sense of a mezza voice that remarkably elastic. He is also heard to avoid most of the very high notes; it is clear that he is a Bb tenor. Much of the high Cs were associated with his younger years, but as he grew older he avoided them. Listening to his voice it is as if it is floating, a masterful hea...
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